Chapter 47

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Word count: 1,242

I backed her up into the wall and connected my lips with hers again. She wrapped her arms around my neck and gave into the kiss. I traveled down to her neck, kissing and sucking softly.

"Rio," She said lowly, I ignored her and continued kissing her neck and sucking, being sure to leave marks before traveling back up to meet her eyes, "Isabella." I called back to her.

"You're beautiful." I said as I stared at her. She smiled and placed her lips on mine again. I slipped her jean jacket off, she had a gray tank top under. I began nibbling and sucking on her neck harder, she let out a hum. I felt as the chills covered her skin as my fingertips trailed all over. I took her shirt off, leaving her in her bra.

He pushed me backwards until I felt the bed, pushing me onto it, his lips never leaving mines.

I smirked at him and started removing his jeans along with his boxers. Wasting no time, I took his hard length into my mouth, hallowing my cheeks.

He let out a breath as I swirled my tongue around him. I lick up his shaft and focus on the tip as I swirl my tongue around it and suck before taking his full length into my mouth, feeling the tip touch the back of my throat. I feel his hands tangle up in my hair as hear him groan.

I continue to suck him off while pumping his cock. "Shit." He hissed and pushed my head further down his cock making me let out a gag. He pulled me up quick by surprise and placed his lips on mine.

"I need you now." He said.

He unclipped my bra and I unbuttoned my jeans and began wiggling out of them.

I heard him chuckle, "They look a little tight."

"Fuck you." I chuckled back as I finally got out of the jeans.

He pushed me back on the bed and hovered over me. "As much as I want to taste you right now, I want to fuck you just as much." He said which only made me lose more patience.

"Rio." I said impatiently.

He thrusted deep into me, his thick long length filling my walls. "Rio." I moaned out.

He pounded into me harder, going deeper. I moaned loudly, and arched my back. He grabbed my hips and began to slowly thrust, driving me crazy.

He stopped moving. All I felt was my walls constantly clench around him, aching for him to pound into me.

"Fuck, you're so wet." He says as he begins to thrust into me while rubbing my clit and holding me in place with the other hand. I squirmed in his arms and moaned loudly. I was a mess, overwhelmed with pleasure, I couldn't stay still. I heard him groan, arousing me even more.

He turned me around to face him, he slid back into me without waiting anymore time. My legs, that was wrapped around his waist tightened. My arms around his neck, I pulled him closer.

My nails claw in his back as I felt my self tightening and clenching around his hard shaft, I was close. I moaned out loudly and dug my nails in his back, "Rio!" I moaned as I came, reaching my climax. He shot out his load on me coming also.

I laid on the bed, not moving, listening to my exasperated breaths.

I felt his hot mouth press against me and began to clean me up, His tongue darted in and out at a fast paste, he licked up and down my folds. My legs began to shake, I was sensitive and the pleasure was too much.

I moaned out loudly as he brought me to another orgasm, my juices flowing out on his tongue and he continued until I was all cleaned up. "I love when I taste you." He said and brought his lips to mines, kissing me softly.

"Let's shower." He said and picked me up in his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist.
He walked us into the bathroom and sat me on the sink counter. I watched him get the shower ready.

He brought me in for another kiss, more hungrily this time. I knew we weren't making it out this bathroom without having a few more rounds.


Rio had left. He wouldn't let me go with him once again. I was currently laying down on the couch in one of his tees and socks. His clothes were comfortable he'd just have to deal with it and get use to me wearing his clothes.

I was tired of being so bored when Rio wasn't here. I hadn't been to my apartment since I was kidnapped. If I stay at Rio's loft I wouldn't have to be followed around by one of his men who I don't even know. I was eventually going to go back. I just wasn't ready to be alone yet. It seemed like every time i'd leave him I end up in trouble.

I knew once the first time we had sex and then a second time and more until I caught feelings. I knew sleeping with him would just bring nothing but trouble to me and Emma's lives but he also made it better. He made me love again. He made me feel safe again. He became a father to my daughter. I had nothing but gratitude. No man fathers a kid that they don't even know. The fact that Emma isn't his biological daughter doesn't matter to him and I love him even more for that.

He changed my life for the better. And Emma's.

I huffed and took out my phone and began looking for jobs and filling out applications. Sooner or later I was going to have to get a job to pay my bills and having a job would give me something to do.

After filling out a few applications, I cooked dinner. I wasn't sure when Rio was coming, but I wanted to make sure dinner was ready. Dark thoughts flooded my mind to when I would take too long to have dinner ready by the time Brian got home.

I shook the thoughts away, he's gone. I don't have to worry about him.

I ate and put Rio's plate in the microwave after covering it with the plastic food wrap I found in the cabinet. I observed and looked around the loft, as much as I've been in here I never actually looked around. I know one door was the bathroom, another was Rio's walk in closet and there was another door. I've never been in there. I shrugged and walked over to it and turned the knob but it was locked. I wonder what was in here?

After taking it upon myself to 'explore' the loft, there was nothing else to look at, I sat on the couch and just binged the office.

Finally, Rio came home.

I made my way over to him happily and hugged him and pecked his lips. "Hey ma." He smiled at me.

"Hey, I made dinner." I said.

"Great, I'm gonna take a shower." He said and pecked my lips.

I nodded, "Rio what's in that room?" I pointed to the door I tried to open earlier.

He stopped and turned to look at me.

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