Chapter 9

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Word count: 1,206

Bella didn't have any money considering she hadn't been to work in two months. She got out of the shower and decided she was going to ask Alex to watch Emma with her kids. She got dressed and brushed her hair into a quick ponytail.

She got Emma ready, she was now tying Emma's shoes. "Want daddy." Emma pouted. Bella rolled her eyes still annoyed at the fact Chris let Emma get attached to him. "You can't see daddy yet baby." Bella said and sighed. Emma began to cry, frustrating Bella more than she already was, thinking about how she was going to lie to Alex about her bruises.

"Emma you'll see daddy, just not right now." She said and picked up Emma. She headed downstairs and grabbed Brian's keys. She didn't have a car but he wasn't going to work today, He was drunk and sleeping in. She got in the car and drove to Alex's house.


She knocked on the door and Alex opened it quickly pulling Bella into a tight hug bringing her into the house. "I was so worried about you what the fuck Bella are you serious?" Alex said.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She said. I nodded my head and hugged her back noticing Maya and Gemma were here also. They all hugged me and Emma wondered off playing with Jane, One of Alex's little girls.

They eventually broke the hug and examined my face. "Oh my god, Bella!" Gemma said.

"What happened to your face?!" Maya questioned.

"I was at the bar last night and I got in a fight, I was wasted and some girl and I were going at it, I don't really remember why but we got in a fight. That's all I can remember." I said. I looked at all of their faces and examined them, they looked like they bought it.

"Well be careful next time." Alex said.

I nodded, "I have to go to work now, can't be late." I said. "Thanks for watching Emma Alex, bye love you guys." I said.

"Oh I missed this little one anyways." She said. "See you later I love you stay safe." She said and I nodded. And headed to the car.


I made my way Into the diner that I worked at. It felt like I hadn't been here in such a long time. My boss, Liam looked at me and smiled. He can be an asshole sometimes, I was surprised he was even smiling. "Hey, Bella, I heard about your mom passing and then on top of that you caught the flu, must've been horrible glad to have you back now." I nodded and just gave him a small smile. Chris must've told him that. He pulled me in for a hug.

"What happened?" He said referring to my face. I sighed, "I got in a fight, long story." I said he nodded. "Well for now you can help Melissa out with the dishes." He said.

Just the person I wanted to see.

I never understood why Liam, the store owner never invested in getting a dishwasher for the kitchen. I headed back to the kitchen seeing Melissa washing dishes. He eyes met with mines and gave me a warm smile and pulled me in for a hug. "I missed you, glad you're back." Yeah sure you did.

"Yeah same, what have you been up to?" I said picking up a plate and began washing it. "Oh same old same old." she said. "What'd you do last night?" I said. Her eyes met with mines. "What a specific question." She chuckled. "Well are you going to answer that specific question?" I gave her a fake laugh. "Oh nothing just stayed home and watched some movies, it was a Sunday, you know?" She smiled and continued doing the dishes.

I was now cleaning a bowl, "You sure? Didn't fuck anyone's boyfriend did you?" I asked and shrugged my shoulders. She stopped the dishes but I continued.

"Is there something you want to tell me Bella?"

"I don't know Is there something you want to tell me, Melissa?" I raised an eyebrow. She stayed quiet. "I know you've been fucking Brian you backstabbing bitch." I spat. Not really mad at the fact he cheated on me, I didn't love him but she was supposed to be my friend. But I now know that she clearly wasn't. She didn't even call to check up on me in the last two months, or even ask about my face.

"Bella, i'm so sorry-"

"I don't give two flying fucks if you're sorry, don't ever talk to me again and stay out of my house, got it?" She sighed and nodded and went back to doing the dishes, The environment now being tense and quiet.

After washing dishes, I left the kitchen to work tables. The diner didn't have much people, I headed to one of the three tables that had people sitting at it, two already waited on.

My heart dropped when I realized who was seated at the table.

Chris and his men. I approached the table slowly, holding my notepad and pen in my hand tightly.

I had finally reached the table. I observed the men who were seated at it, Chris, A man with curly hair and greenish-grayish eyes, and it looked like the man that drove me home.

I hadn't seen Chris is almost a week so I didn't expect him to come see me at my job, or at all.

"How can I help you?" I said barely above a whisper, not making eye contact with them, I kept them fixated on my notepad.

Nothing was said for a while, forcing me to look up. My eyes met with Chris's.

That familiar smirk spread across his face, "There she is." He said as if he was waiting for me to look up.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. He shifted in his seat, sliding the gold gun that was sitting on the seat closer to his thigh, I eyed it. It always made me uneasy, I don't know if it was because Chris had it or because guns just made me uneasy period.

"How can I help you guys? My shift's almost over." I said, It was 9:30.

"I'll have a short stack and some-" My eyes dart towards the green eyed man but quickly back to Chris, "Eddie shut the hell up, we aren't having anything." He said.

"We aren't serving breakfast anymore," I chuckled nervously.

"What kind of breakfast store doesn't sell breakfast all day?" Eddie said annoyedly.

Eddie huffed, "I'm hungry so could I at least have a bag of chips?" He said rolling his eyes. "Sure," I nodded. I made my way over to the counter to get a bag of chips. I looked at Liam, he wasn't paying attention to anything, good.

I made my way back over to the table and handed Eddie his chips. "Thank you." He smiled warmly at me. I just nodded.

Rio leaned on the table, crossing his hands. "You work for me, so what else am I here for, sweetheart?" He said immediately sending chills down my spine.

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