Chapter 3

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Word count: 783

"You don't get to make demands," I said. "You get what I give you."

"I need money. Fast i've been doing what you told me to it's not getting me what I need fast enough. I need more money, now." He said.

"Well unfortunately I can't help you." I said and began walking away.

"I'll tell the cops." He said. I immediately stopped my movements. What the fuck was up with these men trying to rat on me?

I turned and his eyes met with mines.

"I'll go right to the feds," He continued. I made my way over to him, fast and quick. I pushed him against the wall and held my gun to his head.

"Do you know what I know?" I asked, the man was stupid. I knew everything about him, where his family lived, everything. "You must've forgotten. I'll have you and your family dead in seconds." I spat. "Little Penelope and Noah. Katrina," I continued to taunt him. I wouldn't kill his children, but his wife, maybe. If she's along with his plan to force me into giving them more money.

"N-no please don't hurt them, don't hurt my family." He said.

"Oh I won't, but do you know what happens to people who threatens me and tries to make demands?" He didn't say anything. I tapped his head with my gun before pulling the trigger.

"Fuck!" I sighed frustratedly, yet another person to dispose of. Why get involved in this shit if you're going to fold when the feds are on you?

I pulled up to the house, the boys went home. I opened my door, and stepped in cool air and the fresh smell immediately hit me. I sighed taking my shoes off because I was in dirt and didn't want to track anything. I barely stayed in this house but because of certain circumstances I have been. I made my way upstairs and into the bathroom, stripping from everything, getting into the shower.

After finished showering, I wrapped a towel around my lower waist. I made my way into my room. I opened the door and saw two people sitting on my bed. She looked up at me and smiled. "Thanks for watching her Ana," I said, referring to the little two year old. I smiled and picked her up, she reminded me so much of her.

"Yeah she was fine, she's a good little girl." Ana said. "She won't stop asking for her mom thought, who's kid is this?" she asked as she walked over to me before placing her lips on mines.

I pulled away, "I'll see you tomorrow." I dismissed her. Why the fuck would she kiss me, we never kiss.

"So, did Ana feed you?" I asked.

She nodded her head, "Binky?" she asked.

She still uses a pacifier? I sat her on the bed and put on a cartoon for her to watch. "I'll be back don't move, okay?" She just nodded and sucked her thumb. I went into my closet and got some put on underwear and some sweatpants.

I went back into my bedroom and picked up Emma. She whined a little because I took her away from the Tv. "Blankie." She cried softly. I sighed I didn't know where her blanket was.

I tried to get her to calm down for minutes. Then I thought about it. The bag the mother had, it was probably in there I went to my office and saw the bag sitting on the couch. I sat Emma down and searched through it. I found her blanket but no pacifier. I gave her her blanket and she snuggled up to it. I smiled and picked her back up about to carry her back upstairs to sleep but she started crying again.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly. Fuck this isn't healthy, it isn't healthy for me at all.

"I want my mommy."

"Mommy's not here at the moment." Was all I could come up with. She cried harder.

I called Nasir, It dialed for a little then he picked up. "Yeah man?" He answered.

"I need you to go to the store and bring me some pacifiers, and some sippy cups." Maybe not the pacifier, but I was going to try to get her off bottles.

She's not even mine, but I couldn't help but feel responsible. I was responsible.

"Alright, why do you still have the kid?" He asked.

"Well i'm not going to get rid of her." I furrowed my eyebrows. I hung up and laid Emma down and gave her her pink blanket. She began to calm down and I waited for Nasir to arrive.


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