Chapter 19

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Word count: 1,159

I sat the wash cloth down and leaned on the sink counter, one was coming. An anxiety attack. I could always feel them coming before it got too bad. "I- I.." I paused for a minute trying to steady my breathing. That constant feeling of doom and feeling overwhelmed. I was shaky and my heart pounded. My palms were sweaty, I felt sick to the point where I thought I was going to trow up. The feeling of wanted to stop when you're crying your eyes out having no idea why and you can't stop the tears. Except this time I had a reason.

"I- I'll be back.." I said barely being able to talk. I didn't want him to know I was having an anxiety attack He's seen me have one before but I just didn't want him to again. I always wanted to be alone when I was having an attack. I didn't want to talk or be around anybody.

I made my way out the bathroom, I felt light headed, dizzy, and weak. I couldn't take deep breaths, they just got shorter and my chest tightened. The harder it was to breath the more I panicked. The dry lump in my throat was evident. Rio soon came from the bathroom following behind me. He made his way in front of me, looking at me with worry. He helped me over to the bed and sat me down. It was hard to breathe. "Where's your medicine?!" He said.

"My bag," I answered.He snatched my bag up from the floor and dumped everything out of it onto the bed. He handed me the two pills and made his way to the kitchen. He made his way back over to me and handed me a bottle of water.

After a few minutes I calmed down. Rio's eyes stared at me, I felt them on me but I didn't bother to look at his daggers.

"Dammit Isabella do you not take your medicine?!" He said harshly.

"I don't all the time." I whispered.

"Well why the fuck not? Do you like having these attacks!?" He shook his head.

"N-no! of course I don't Rio!" I shouted. It's just some days I can go without it.. I can go fine without it so I don't take it because I hate the side affects." I sighed, "There's just certain things that causes them sometimes." I said more calmly.

"Talking about Brian did?" He said and sat next to me.

I nodded, "Yeah I overthought every possible consequence and it overwhelmed me a-and I do have a lot of stress built up." I said not wanting to talk about me anymore. Anyone but me.

My eyes gazed into his as his brown ones gazed into mines. He licked his lips, He leaned in slowly and our four heads rested on each other's. Our lips not even a inch away from each other's. I thought he was going to kiss, me I yearned for it, but his lips never touched mines. He kept them where they were. His minty breath on my lips. I leaned in closer, hesitantly, I locked our lips together. I felt him smirk into the kiss as if he got what he was waiting for; for me to initiate the kiss.

He rested his hands on my hips. He pushed me back gently and hovered over me, "You need to relieve your stress, sweetheart." He said and smirked then climbed off of me. My cheeks heated as I blushed a little. I rolled my eyes and sat up.

"Look what I have to do." I said rolling my eyes, changing the subject. I began putting all my things back in my bag he dumped out.


"Don't act like you don't know how to use that phone of yours sweetheart." He said as he pulled in front of my apartment building. He knew I ignored him when he messaged me or called me for jobs. He got out the car and made his way over to my side and opened the door.

I opened the door to my apartment and looked at him one last time. I shut the door and I heard his car pull off. I sighed and made my way up to my apartment. Happy I was actually in my new apartment that I barely spent a day in, but still wasn't complete without Emma. I smiled as I thought about her cute little face.

I finally made my way to my apartment and got my key out and opened the door. I shrieked loudly and jumped back once I saw him sitting in my apartment.

"What the fuck!" I said a little pissed.

"I'm sorry Isabella, Rio told me to check it and make sure it's clear." Eddie said as his gray eyes met with mines.

I nodded, "Rio has a key to my apartment?" I said confused.

He chucked, "He's Rio." His statement made me chuckle too, he was right. It kinda creeped me out how Rio sorta did things. From when I first met him, he knew everything about me.

"Well It's clear and you're safe, so i'll leave now." He chuckled. He made his way towards the door, where I was and pulled me into a hug. But I didn't want him to go. Lately being alone scared me, but I had nothing to worry about right? Brian's gone.

I didn't really know Eddie that well either but I wanted to get to know him. He seemed like sweetheart. I hugged him back, "Thanks Eddie, and it's just Bella." He nodded and left. I closed the door and locked it, sighing.

I wanted to go get Emma right now but I decided against it, It was late, i'll let her sleep and I'll drive to Beth's tomorrow before she wakes up. She was staying at Beth's, she was really stressed, with everything including the Rio situation and her family.

I got out the shower and brushed my teeth. I dried off and didn't bother throwing on any bra or panties. I threw one of my white t-shirts on, stopping at my mid thighs. I dried my hair a little with a towel and made my way back into my bedroom. I brushed my wet hair, getting out all the tangles.

I sighed and got into my new bed for the first time. I smiled and felt comfortable and cozy.

My mind somehow wandered to Rio. Was he really serious when he said he slept around with people he didn't know personally? Was he not looking for a relationship? Well look at him, he's fine as fuck I bet lots of women fall for his looks. I don't know what it was that kept pulling me to him but I was really curious.

I smiled as I finally felt a little at peace, I drifted off to sleep.

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