Chapter 1

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I cringe a lot at my writing in this book, you're not alone.

Word count: 924

He sat at his desk, some girl he picked up from a bar sat in his lap. He picked her up and sat her on his desk. He unbuttoned her pants and took her shirt off, bringing it over her head.

He sighed after hearing a knock at his door, "Come in." He said and the girl retrieved her shirt and sat up straight on his desk. Three guys walked in. He trusted these three the most, he was only missing one. "Well you didn't come in for nothing, talk." He ordered. Vincent and Nasir remained silent. Leo was the one with the news, he ran it by the other two first to get their opinion before he informed the man behind the desk.

Leo began to speak, "I know we're doing a trade tonight, but i've been keeping tabs on this guy I use to know and I found one of his places-"

"And where is this you're talking about?" The man behind the desk cut him off with a raised eyebrow.

"At a warehouse on-" Leo was cut off.

"The one in the middle of nowhere with the little cabin across from it." The man smirked.

Leo's heart dropped. He now knew his boss had been keeping tabs on him. How could he be so stupid? Leo thought.

Leo's reaction caused the man to laugh as he pulled out his gun and cocked it back. The girl who remained on the desk eyes widened.

"I don't like when people lie to me, rat me out, set me up, betray me.." the man trailed off.

Leo had been cooperating with the FBI, the man knew this. He was keeping tabs on him the minute he noticed Leo's absence, Leo's poor excuses, his odd behavior. The man always paid attention to behavior, to facial expressions, body language. He was hard to fool, hard to lie to.

The man knew exactly what Leo's plan was. His plan was to lead them to the warehouse, have them think they're going to raid it but really he was leading them to the feds. While the man was watching Leo he also found out Leo was working with Mateo, the boss of a crew whom they held a treaty with. The treaty kept them from going to war but they weren't friendly with each other at all. Both men hated each other. Both were alpha males.

"No Rio please don't do this," Leo pleaded as Rio aimed his gold and black gun, firing it straight through his temple. His body dropped, blood pooling out. The girl on his desk let out a scream.

The girl was crying and shaking. "You're scared?" He reached his arms out indicating a hug, taunting her as she scurried of his desk and backed away. By her reaction, he already knew what needed to be done. She whimpered and begged as he raised his gun once again, her body dropped, more blood to add. He knew she was scared out of her mind but she witnessed too much. It wasn't her fault. She was just a random girl he met at the bar who found him attractive. He only had one rule to killing, or one exception and that was children or innocent people.

"Get these bodies in bags and put them in the car we'll get rid of them after the drop." Rio ordered.

Nasir and Vincent nodded. They knew that he was fuming so they didn't bother conversing with him, they knew what Leo did was wrong. Well Nasir did.

They arrived to the location, they gave the men their product and got their money. After the drop, they went to dispose of the bodies. They went far in the woods and began digging. Rio sat busy on his phone, talking to a friend of his who worked for the fbi, making sure Leo didn't tell anything worthy to the cops. He made sure what he said around Leo. Everything he said was to mislead him.

They dug two holes, after finishing the holes the two men picked up one body and dropped it in one. They began to pick up the other one.

"You hear that?" Rio said gripping his gun tightly. It sounded like as if someone were running towards them. Soon cries were heard as if it came from a child but it sounded like a woman too. Rio turned and saw a woman looking behind her as if she was being chased as she ran at full speed to him. She bumped hard into his brick chest. She looked up at the at the man, her face of terror turned a little into relief.

"P-please you have to help me my-" She was stuttering, complete terrified and in panic. Rio couldn't help but notice her bruised face. Her eyes traveled other two men who had a body in their hands. Terror filled her face again, Rio looked at the little girl then at her. She tried to run, Rio grabbed her arm, digging his fingers in the skin tightly to keep her from escaping. He held the gun against her lower back. He slowly took the little girl out her hands. Tears streamed from the mother's face.

She already looked beaten and distraught, but it was the quickest easiest way, he didn't need her screaming and resisting while bodies were being buried. He raised his gun and knocked her out.


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