Chapter 11

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Word count: 1,172

It's been about three weeks since I've talked to Chris since that last incident. I couldn't talk to anyone about it. Not even my sisters. He did call me a few times probably having another Job for me, but I ignored him.

"Bella! Bella? Earth to Bella." Gemma snapped her fingers in my face bringing me back to reality.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Maya asked. I looked at her, smiled and nodded.

Even though I wouldn't get my hands dirty with this plan, I was still an accomplice. I can't believe I was even in on this plan. I had Emma to take care of and if anything ever happened to me, if I were to go to jail-I'm all she has.

But this was for Emma.

We all needed the money. Maya did for her husband's hospital bills who didn't have insurance. He broke his leg. Alex did because she needed to pay back a loan she took, Gemma needed money to buy an apartment. Renting just wasn't doing her any good. And that left me. I needed money to leave Brian for good. They didn't know that of course, I did plan on telling them soon.

"The casino is really empty in the morning which is why we're doing it early. Night time is when it's packed and it'll be too risky. There's only like one worker during that time which is a cleaner," Gemma reminded us.

We were planning to rob the casino she works at. No we weren't going to bust out with guns and masks. More like steal from the casino.

"I need Maya with me to help get the cash from the safe faster. I'll give her one of my uniform shirts just in case anybody sees us. I'll let you in through the back, maya because they ask for employee's ID. Around that time only employees are let in." Gemma explained.

Maya nodded.

I nodded to show I was listening, "So Gemma about how much is in the safe?" I asked.

"About fifty thousand maybe? Landon has me and two others count it occasionally. I'm not sure why it's there, I would assume it's the money people trade chips in for." She answered. I nodded. So each of us would get a little over ten thousand. Ten thousand wasn't enough to buy a house but it was something, enough to rent an apartment and be financially stable for a while until I get back on my feet and find a better paying job.

"So what exact time are we doing this?" Maya said.

"Six am. I don't come in until eight, but the security changes occasionally. He wouldn't know." Gemma said causing Maya to nod in agreement.

"Once we grab the cash, Maya you leave back out and then i'll go to the camera room and get the tape. I also have to make sure I delete my login from the system. That casino is oddly strict. I had to learn all of these security procedures when I applied and it's coming in handy." She smiled proudly.


I unlocked the door as I held Emma in my hands. I stepped into the dark living room. I couldn't turn the lights on because my hands were full. I carried Emma up to her bedroom and tucked her in. "Good night Em. I love you."I pecked her forehead.

"Night," She mumbled. She closes her eyes and I left the room.

I sighed as I headed back downstairs. I was a little tipsy, Alex drove me home.

I turned on the lights and I got hungry, I was about to make my way to the kitchen, "Oh my god!" I gasped as Chris sat on my couch, a smirk across his face.

"What the fuck." I said, "You scared the living shit out of me."

He sat and stared at me, observing me. "What are you doing here Chris?" I sighed as I took my shoes off.

"Well you have been ignoring my calls." He said. "You work for me, you can't do that."

"Well I quit, now I can." He stood up and made his way over to me. He pushed me against the wall and wrapped his large hand around my neck, he didn't choke me though. He squeezed lightly and rubbed my throat with his thumb.

His face wasn't even an inch away from mines. Our bodies were so close. He stayed there for some time. I could never tell what Chris was thinking, he was so unreadable. He placed one hand on my hip and rested it there then, leaned in closer and whispered in my ear, "You quit when I say you quit." His voice sending chills down my spine.

"But Chris," I had no words, really. "I-I can't do this, you don't know who I am. I-I'm not the right one for this type of stuff." I said. Basically admitting to him I was weak.

He only smirked, "Sweetheart, you're set out to be whoever you want, you just gotta figure yourself out." His husky voice said.

I shook my head as tears began to well up. I tried so hard to stop them. I know I was weak but I hated being vulnerable in front of him. I looked away to the side trying to hide my face. He reached his hand up, placing it on my chin and turning my head back to facing him. He stared in my eyes.

He had no clue I was the weak girl who got abused by her boyfriend. I wasn't set out to be involved with this gang shit.

"I have to go now. Don't ignore my calls again." He said and I sighed because nothing I said to him mattered. Nothing.

"Well at least go see Emma she's been asking for you." I say quietly.

He turned to me, a smile spread across his face. He nodded. He headed upstairs and I followed after him.

"Why do you know your way around my house?" He knew exactly where to find Emma's room.

"Sweetheart do you really want me to answer that?" He chuckled.

"Yeah kinda.."

"Well lets just say i've been here a couple of times." He said causing my eyes to widen.

"Are you serious?"

He looked at me and nodded, "Does it look like i'm kidding?"

He walked into Emma's room and she was playing, she turned and her eyes lit up. That little actress. She looked tired to me when I left her, "Daddy!" She yelled and ran to him.

He picked her up and hugged her and kissed her cheek. "Hi baby." He said and smiled. "stay with mommy and me?" She said in her baby voice.

"Daddy has work and I can't always be here." He lied.

Chris left and I put Emma to bed then went to my room, which use to be the spare bedroom. I sighed and got in bed and drifted off to sleep.

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