Chapter 29

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Word count: 1,049

I checked the time as it read two a.m. I sighed. I stood at the end of the bed as I look at Isabella's frame asleep, her hair sprawled out on the bed. I tried making my way to the kitchen, considering it was dark, I bumped into the dresser and stubbed my toe, "Fuck!" I hissed. Isabella stirred in her sleep.

I finally made my way to the kitchen to search the fridge. To my surprise, it had cream cheese in it and some pizza rolls. I shrugged and grabbed the cream cheese and searched the cabinet. I grabbed the bag of bagels and got a knife. I got some on my knife and spread it on the bagel and took a bite. I was high and hungry. I barely stay here so there's barely food.

I heard footsteps and Isabella came into the kitchen. "What are you doing?" She said in a sleepy voice.

"I'm hungry, so I got something to eat." I gulped down what was in my mouth. "Was I too loud?"

"No, I just.. woke up and I didn't see you." She whispered. "Why aren't you asleep?" She asked.

"Well I couldn't sleep." I said and finished the last of my bagel and put the things away. I observed Isabella and noticed she didn't have any other clothes but the ones she came here with. She still had her jeans on and a tee. "Let's get you some more comfortable clothes yeah?" I said and she nodded. I grabbed her hand and walked back to the living room and bedroom. She sleepily followed. I went to the dresser and pulled her out a clean pair of sweatpants and a clean tee.

I handed it to her and she grabbed them and walked over to the bed. She wiggled out of her tight jeans causing me to hold in my chuckles. She was sleepy but if it was Isabella on a daily basis, she'd go to the bathroom and change.
She climbed into bed and laid down. I made my way over and laid down next to her. She turned and moved closer to me and snuggled into me. I stiffened up at her actions because I never cuddled with anyone, well I have before but it's been such a long time i've laid in a bed with a girl without having sex. I relaxed and wrapped my arms around her.

I heard a text come from my phone, i'm assuming. Isabella went back to sleep, I slipped from under her and reached to grab my phone. Who was even texting me at this time?

From Eddie: I tried getting more answers out of Brian like you asked, but he claims he won't say anything unless he speaks with Bella.

To Eddie: Mm, i'm sure I can change that. He's not going to see Bella. Look, just handle him, i'll talk to him when I get back.

I turned and looked at Isabella. I didn't deserve how good she treated me regardless how I treated her. I was an asshole to her. I made her cry back at the house when she and Gemma followed Eddie. I hated how bad I felt for keeping it a secret that Brian was still alive. I never give a fuck about anything I do. But it was clear Isabella was changing that. I had been planned getting answers out of Brian. But when I noticed how much Brian affected her and how often he fucking put his hands on her I had to do something. All she did was worry about him. I was helping, I thought. When I told her I did kill Brian, I wanted to see if it was too much to handle and I was going to tell her I didn't if it was. She seemed she was fine enough besides the panic attack. I sighed and knew I'd have to tell her sometime.


"What about Emma? Who's-" I cut her off, "Don't worry about her, she's with Eddie and Gemma." I said and took a sip of my drink I had poured.

"Well I don't know where I put my phone, I have to text Noah to let him know i'm okay." She said.

I scoffed, "You don't have to tell him anything."

"Don't be ridiculous Rio, he stays with me." She said.

"Fine. Since you keep whining about it, I'll check my car for it." I said and stood up grabbing my keys making my way to the door. I opened it and stepped out, leaving Isabella alone. I press the unlock button on my key as I walked to my black bmw. I searched where Isabella sat and felt under the car seat. I grabbed it and made my way back to the cabin. I opened the door and closed it, locking it behind me.

She took her eyes off the book she was now reading as she sat on the couch and looked at me. I held it out to her and she made her way over to me, "Thanks." She smiled and grabbed it. She groaned when she tried turning it on and no light made its way to the phone. I smirked and her eyes met mines again, "Do you have a charger?"

"Yes." I rolled my eyes and grabbed it and handed it to her.

She continued reading the book she picked off the shelf. Once the white screen with a black apple appeared, she walked over to it and picked it back up and sent a quick message.

I observed her for a while.

I made my way closer to her and placed both my hands on her hips. I snaked one arm around her waist and I pulled her back into me, her back now against me. I leaned closer, moving her hair from her neck to the other side. My lips touching her neck as chills covered her skin. I kissed her neck softly. I continued leaving kisses on her neck. I sucked and nibbled, she sighed with pleasure once I found her sweet spot. I smirked and removed my lips from her neck observing the hickey I left.

"I promised you something didn't I?" I whispered in her ear.

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