Chapter 17

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Word count: 1,039

I sat still in Rio's lap. He leaned back on the couch, I leaned back against his chest. We stayed like this for quite some time. I felt so chill and relaxed, but even I knew if I wasn't high I wouldn't have stayed here, I'm not even sure why I let him place me on his lap. "I'm hungry," I groaned. I stood up and made my way to the kitchen.

I got out some wheat bread he had and put it in the toaster. If had finally felt good to feel relaxed, with not a worry in the world, but I knew it was only temporary and I had various things to worry about. Ever since the abuse with Brian started I've never felt like me anymore, I was always tense, my anxiety worsened. Yeah I had anxiety, everyone does but it's just some people's are worse, I'd have panic attacks here and there since I was fifth teen, but they were rare. I was young and scared as to why I would feel like that suddenly. It had gotten better when I had first met Brian, but then the abuse started and it got worse. I always worried about Emma, what if he hurt her? I remember when the abuse first started. I always went over what I did wrong and how a I could fix it to make him love me again. Like what if he took Emma and left? But I learned that he didn't care enough about her to do that. I barely spent a day in my new apartment. I miss Emma, waking up to her every morning.

I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I jumped lightly, "Sorry sweetheart, your toast is done." He said pulling me out of my thoughts. I nodded and took the toast out putting it on a plate.

"You know I have like actual food and junk food right?" He said raising his eyebrow as he looked at my toast.
"I just wanted some toast." I shrugged and spread grape jelly on it.


I groaned as I woke up from my deep slumber. I sat up, jumping when I saw Rio standing next to the bed looking down at me. "You scared me." I sighed.

"I was just about to wake you up." He furrowed his eyebrows and quickly walked away to his closet.

"I'll drive you to work." I heard him say from the closet.

I got out the bed and got some white ripped jeans and a tan and white striped sweatshirt. I made my way to the bathroom, closing the door. I got a spare toothbrush and brushed my teeth then stepped in the shower.

After I finish showering, I stepped out and dried off and got dressed. I didn't wet my hair, I had just washed it yesterday anyways. I brushed it into a high ponytail. And walked out, the smell of food instantly filled my nose.

"You cooked?" I said, more of a question than a statement.

"Yeah, hope you like waffles." I looked at two plates he had sitting on the island, they both had waffles with strawberries on top, bacon and eggs.

"I love waffles." I said as my mouth watered. They were much better than pancakes. Now that I was thinking about it, I didn't really eat a good meal in a few weeks. I sat down on the island, Rio sat across from me.

"So have you thought about when I find Brian?" He asked then stuffed a waffle in his mouth. I stopped eating and my eyes darted to Rio.

"Uhm.." I trailed off quietly. Did he find him? That quick? Was that why he was asking me this? I never really gave it much thought about what would actually happen to Brian if he found him, when he found him. Would he kill him? We continued eating, the environment now tense. I picked up some bacon and began eating it.

"What's going to happen?" I finally spoke up, breaking the silence.

"What do you want to happen sweetheart?" He said with his eyes on his phone as he took a drink of his glass of orange juice.

"I-I don't know." I sighed.

"Well, he's obviously a problem. You solve problems, right?" He said, his eyes still glued to his phone.

"So, Isabella what do you want?"

"I-i don't know, don't kill him." I whispered, surprising myself with my own words.

"Wrong answer." He said.

"Well why did you ask me if you were going to pick anyways?" I sighed.

"Why wouldn't I handle it Isabella? He did all this shit to you, he'll just keep fucking with you, besides I'd enjoy it anyways that pussy tried to get me killed."

"H-he's Emma's father, he's my-"

"He's nothing, Isabella. Has he ever cared about Emma? He damn sure doesn't give a damn about you." He raised his voice a little.

"If you don't want me to kill him, I can't help you anymore, and you won't work for me anymore. I won't kill him just say the word."

I had wanted to stop working for him before, now I had the chance. But I knew deep down I didn't want to stop working for him. Besides If I told him not to kill Brian, Brian would definitely be back, since there was no Rio in the picture, and Emma wouldn't see Rio. Neither would I.

"I-I.. yes." I whispered. He smirked in response and stood up sitting his plate in the sink. He went to go do something and I finished up the last of my food and sat it in the sink.

He walked back to me and handed me something, "And this is for that job you first completed." He said handing me a stack of money and smirked.

I hesitantly grabbed the money from his hands, "Thanks.." I said reliving the night he shot that man dead. I disregarded the thoughts, not wanting to fall deep in that hole.

"Now i'll drive you to work yeah?" He said as he made his way to the door. I nodded and followed him out the door.

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