Chapter 42

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Word count: 1,271

"Mommy, mommy ice cream?" Emma asked. I nodded and smiled at her.

"So, Bella." Eve said getting my attention. I turned to look at her, "How long have you and Rio been together?" She asked.

"I'm not sure. I don't really know what we are.." I chuckled nervously.

"Can I have a small strawberry ice cream and a small vanilla?" Eve told the cashier. He nodded and began calculating, "7.98 is your total." He said and smiled at Eve as she handed him a 20 dollar bill.

We made our way to the toppings and I put gummy bears on Emma's and handed it to her.

My phone kept buzzing and ringing. I pulled it out of my pocket and hit the red button, "It's Rio." I said.

"Let's go to the beach then you can call him back." Eve said and I nodded agreeing. I haven't been to the beach in forever and it could be Emma's first time.

"You're like a child. You should know not to be involved with Mateo are you fucking crazy?" I spat at H.R while Kenzie hugged him. We were in an empty parking lot. I had explained to Mateo how H.R was my cousin and was now working with me. Which was a lie of course.

He chuckled, "I know, I know it's crazy but Mateo offered me hundreds of bricks. Do you know how much money I could make with that?"

I shook my head, "Do you know who you're talking to? Of course I know. I don't want to have to come down here to your fucking rescue because you're making stupid decisions."

"You didn't have to come all the way here to Chicago, Rio." He shrugged, "The last time we talked, you told me not to come back. I guess you just miss me." He smirked.

"Oh trust me, I would've left you here to get killed if it weren't for her," I pointed to Kenzie. "I only came because she cared." I spat and walked to my car. "Let's go." I said as Eddie and Nasir followed behind me. I stopped, turned and looked at Maze, "Kenzie let's go." I sighed as she stayed next to H.R.

"Rio.. i'll catch up with you guys at the hotel, i'm going to stay with Diego for a little bit." She said.

I sighed, "Kenzie." I said warningly.

"Rio i'll be fine." She assured.

"If something happens to her, that's your life." I said to him.

"She's safe with me." He replied.


We made our way back to the hotel. "We head back tomorrow, i'll see you guys later." I said as they nodded and went to their hotel rooms. I made my way to Me and Isabella's room. I unlocked and opened the door, expecting to hear Emma's loud yet little baby voice. I looked around the room, frowning when I didn't see them. Maybe they went down to the lobby to get something. But why didn't they just order room service?

I left the hotel room and made my way to the elevator. Once the door dinged and opened I searched the lobby for them. They weren't there. I took my phone, which I recently had to replace the one I broke, out sending her a text message,

To Isabella: where are you?
To Isabella: are you with emma??
To Isabella: i told you not to leave the room for a reason. i swear you never listen.
To Isabella: why aren't you responding?

I dialed her and got no answer. I dialed her again, this was maybe my sixth time. Still no answer. I was worried because we weren't in our city.

"Rio! Rio!" I heard a voice yell. I turned to see terrified Eve holding Emma as tears fell from both of their eyes.

"Eve? What's wrong? Where's Isabella?" I told Eve to stay with Isabella to keep her company and make sure they didn't leave the hotel.

"I-i'm sorry, I didn't bring my gun with me. I know I should have, Mackenzie always tells me to and I never listen, I always forget. I'm so sorry." She sobbed.

She did the exact opposite.

Emma's cries filled the lobby, "Daddy." She cried out as she held her hands out. I grabbed her and she laid her head in the crook of my neck and cried softly.

"Eve!" I yelled getting stares from people but I didn't give a damn. She needed to stop crying so she can tell me what happened.

"What's going on?" I looked up seeing Kenzie come through the spinning doors.

"Eve you need to tell me where you and Isabella went now." I said. Kenzie made her way to Eve, looking worried and hugged her girlfriend.

"We went out to get ice cream and then we went to the beach. The beach was empty because it was closed. It was cold so we were about to leave, a lady had her men grab us and they forced us to the ground.."

Eve and I sat and talked while Emma curiously played with the sand and squealed every time she threw it everywhere. I smiled at her. We were here for about 30 minutes and Rio was still calling me but I was enjoying myself and I know he'd just get mad at me if I answered.

This beach was pretty small and we had it to ourselves since it was closed. Although it was a little chilly and Emma would probably catch a cold. "We should head back I don't want Emma to catch a cold." I said.

"Yeah, i'm sure you're driving Rio nuts." She laughed.

We stood up, "Emma let's go." I said as she ran and made her way to me. I grabbed her gritty hand due to the sand. Made a note to my self to give her a bath as soon as we got back to the hotel.

"When I got word Rio's woman was here all alone, I didn't believe it." We heard a voice. Eve and I turned and saw a woman, she looked at least forty years old.

"Umm can we help you with something?" Eve said nervously to the lady. All I could focus on was the gun and the two men behind her also holding guns. Was this lady crazy? She's obviously after Rio.

She raised her hand and made a go gesture towards us. As soon as she did that, the men made their way towards us. Emma hugged my leg.

I rubbed her head, "It's okay monkey, mommy's here." I hugged her against my leg.

The men forced Eve and I to the ground, our hands and clothes getting sand on them. "What do you want?" I said trying to snatch away from their hold as they grabbed my arm, their hold on me tightened as I struggled. I winced and looked at Emma as her eyes began to water.

"I've should've listened to Rio." I looked over at Eve who looked concerned but stayed still in the other man's hold.

"Take that one." She pointed at me, "Leave the other and the child, my beef is with Rio."

"W-what? No n-no, what do you want? Please leave me alone!" I shouted and groaned in pain once I felt something hit my head, hard. My eyesight became blurred as I heard Eve yelling and Emma crying. The last thing I saw was Eve trying to escape the Man's hold. Emma tried running to me and Eve reached out and grabbed her. Everything went black.

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