Chapter 6

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Word count: 2,001

I cried, something I seemed to be doing every time I went over the process of leaving Brian. I left him and ended up in a much worse situation. I have no coue where my daughter is or if shes okay, I go to sleep thinking about her every night and how she must feel. I'm all she has, so I can't imagine how scared she must've been. Is she even alive? I escaped just to get kidnapped by a serial killer and get my daughter taken away from me. I hugged myself as I sat on this bed. I don't even know how long I've been in here. This room had everything I needed, A bathroom, a small bedroom and a mini fridge with water and my food was brought to me, although every time it was brought to me, It was never the man that actually kidnapped me. I kind of remember his face, not entirely because it was dark. But the man that hit me, was tall, way taller than me and I distinctively remember his nose ring and how the moonlight reflected on it. I also remember his gun, it was black and gold, the gold shined.

He took my child. I remember seeing her in his arms before I lost consciousness. The constant worry whether she was okay or not never went away.

I heard the door began to open, it was a sliding door. When they did bring me my food I would look at where the door slid open at and could tell it was connected to another room. I wasn't sure why the door was being opened, I had already been fed my breakfast, I didn't eat it though, it was oatmeal. It definitely wasn't time for lunch, so why is the door being opened?

My eyes lit up once the door had slid opened enough for me to see who it was. Emma. He was holding her. The man that took her out of my hands before hitting me with his gun. She looked like she was being good taken care off. I was relieved she wasn't harmed. He wouldn't harm a two year old, would he? But he buried two bodies, well his friends did. He sat her down on her feet and she ran to me.

"Mommy!!" Emma shouted. She reached out to me and I picked her up hugging her tightly. Tears fell from my eyes. Words can't express this feeling, the amount of relief and happiness I felt holding her, seeing her and knowing she was alright.

"Mommy missed you so much baby." I kissed her cheeks and smoothed the frizzy curls down. The man stood there and watched us. We made eye contact and he had no emotion on his face, no anger, nothing. He just looked.

"Daddy and me had pancakes!" She smiled widely. My heart raced at what she said.

I'm in so much trouble. I hit him with a lamp and ran from him and took Emma with me. Tears in my eyes welled up and I looked back at the man.

"She isn't talking about Brian." He said. How does he know who Brian is? And what did he mean?

"What do you mean? I-i don't understand.." I whispered, my heart was pounding. My anxiety had my heart thumping out of my chest.

"She started calling me her father," he said. Despite how scared I was, his words made me forget about the fear as anger boiled inside of me. Warm tears poured down my eyes.

"You fucking kept me away from her for so long.." my voice cracked. "Are you fucking serious? Why would you even let that happen, you aren't even going to stay in her life and now she's calling you daddy!" I wiped my tears. He doesn't understand how heartbreaking it is for me to watch Emma call him her father because she's never really had one, the one she did have she's scared of and now she thinks she does but he's a fucking murderer who will probably end up killing us both.

He chuckled. "You've only been in here for three months." He shrugged. How was he so calm? My shouting didn't seem to phase him it seem as though it amused him, this made me more heated. I wanted to slap that smug smirk from his face.

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