Chapter 50

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Word count: 1,925

"How the fuck this this happen!?" I spat angrily. They remained silent. While we were doing the drug trade, one of our stashes in another warehouse got raided.

"Boss, I'm not sure. I can check the cameras and try to see if I get any faces." Vincent said.
I nodded, "Eddie find out who the men were at the warehouse, see if you can get anything." I said.

"Fuck!" I hissed. My phone dinged, a customer requesting. "Kyle bag this up for me and deliver it, I'm sending you the order and the location now." I said and texted him the order and the place to drop it off.

"Yes boss." He replied and left out.

"Oh and we checked the house out, he wasn't there but someone's been staying there, we can assume he still is or he left but I got men watching it." Nasir said referring to Brian.

"Good, let me know." I said and he nodded.


"News?" I said answering Eddie's call.
"I talked to some of the men at the warehouse and they said the men said they were the Torres brothers." He said.

Torres brothers? I haven't heard about them in a long time, I haven't even ever met them I don't even know how they look. They fucked with the wrong person.

"Find out anything you can about them." I said and hung up. I sighed frustratedly, they really had something coming to them. Who the fuck do they think they are fucking with me? Stealing my stashes, raiding my warehouse? I smirked, just wait.

My phone dinged,

Isabella: i miss you. be safe, love you.

I smiled softly at the text.
I love you, sweetheart and always. I typed and sent the text quickly.

I've been leaving really early while they were still sleep and also getting home late. It's just been a lot going on with trying to find Brian to planing the attack on Matteo, the trade and now the warehouse raid. It's just hectic.

After the attack on the Torres brothers, we're gonna lay low and just try to find Brian. I really have to tell Isabella.

I pulled out my phone and sent another message to Isabella.

To Isabella: baby i really need to talk to you when i get home.
Isabella: okay i'll wait up is everything okay??
To Isabella: everything's fine don't worry sweetheart.

I put my phone in my pocket. I sighed. I wasn't sure what her reaction would be.

I had Vincent email me the camera footage. I guess those two were the Torres brothers. I got a face to you fuckers now.

I called Mateo. I wanted to know if he had any information on them, He's probably behind it. But if he is I don't want him to know that I know. The smartest thing to do is to always act clueless.

"Mateo, one of my warehouses was raided today, my men said it was the Torres brothers. But the thing is I have no clue how they look, so I'm not sure if the two men in the footage are them or not. I've never even heard of them." I said and paused, "Do you know who they are?" I continued.

I heard him chuckled, "Chris asking me for help, thats a new one."

I laughed in my head. For him to be working against me, it sure is taking him forever to find out my real name. Or he was just pretending to not know. "I just want to be sure the men in the footage are the Torres brothers because if they aren't i'll be searching for the wrong names."

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