Chapter 21

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Word count: 1,582

I sat a plate on the table and a glass of water in front of Eddie and gave him his aim medicine Rio left in a bag with his things he needed. "Thank you Bella." He said, I smiled and nodded in response.

There was a knock at at the door. I checked the peep hole then opened it. It was Gemma, she was here to pick up Jocelyn. She came in and her eyes instantly darted to Eddie. She looked back at me, "Damn I didn't know it would be so easy for you to move on." She smirked.

"No Gem it's not like that." I sighed.

"What's he doing here, I know you guys fucked. Could've fooled me I thought you were fucking Rio."

My eyes widened. "What? No we're not having sex Gemma."

"Really? I thought you been knew him, and you fucked him a long time ago when you were with Brian and ended up having his baby." Gemma was something else, she really put this into thought.

"You really thought I cheated and had someone else's baby!?"

"I mean well that night Rio came and got you and gave us the money, Emma called him her dad." She shrugged.

My mind went back to that night. His touch was so gentle but he was also rough. His size. How his could fingertips sent chills over my body. I'd have to be honest, he was great and one of the best i've had. My cheeks heated when I thought about after we were done and I had ran to the bathroom because- "Bella!" Gemma snapped her fingers in my face.

"No Brian is Emma's father." Was. I tried putting the thought of him down. I always let my thoughts get the best of me.

"I told you, when I was kidnapped she got attached to Rio."

She nodded, "What'd he even come get you for that night anyways?"

"We went to his loft and had sex." I thought.
"Just to do a small job, no biggie. He just needed me to um, drop off a package to some guy." I answered.

"Well who's he?" She asked, our attention going back to Eddie.

"He's one of Rio's friends and works with him."

She nodded still eyeing him, "He's cute." She said.

I shook my head, I knew what she was thinking, "Gem don't even think about it, you're already involved with Rio. You don't need to dig yourself deeper." I was one to talk.

"I'll just bang him one time." She said causing me to roll my eyes.

Eddie looked at us, Gemma just smiled and waved. He smirked and sent her a wave. I rolled my eyes again.

"What is he doing here anyways?"

"He got shot and Rio said he needed to lay low for a few days. I tried refusing and tell Rio to take him back because the kids were here but he didn't care."

"Did Jocelyn see?" She said and I sighed.

"She knew it was something wrong with him, But i'm not sure if she knew what happened or saw the blood." She nodded.

"I'll go see what's taking her so long." I said and she nodded.

I made my way into My room, Emma still asleep on my bed, Jocelyn had on headphones and was on my laptop. "Jocelyn!" I called. I tapped her, she took her headphones off.

"Your mom is here. I called and told you she was but I guess you didn't hear me." She nodded. We made our way back to the living room, Gemma was now on the couch.

She stood up and made her way over to us. "Did you have a good time?" She asked Jocelyn. She nodded.

"I'll walk you guys down." I said.

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