Chapter 40

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Word count: 1,573

With Brian still out there, I couldn't leave Isabella while I went to Chicago. Eddie, Nasir Cesar and Vincent were all going and I had other men but I just rather not. I had to find a way to get her to come with me.

What about Emma?

We've been laying here in her bed, my arm wrapped tightly around her waist and I had my face buried in her neck. We were so comfortable I never wanted to get up. "Baby?"

"Hmm?" She hummed.

"I'm going on a trip." I said. "I'm not sure how long i'll be gone." I said and left soft kisses on her neck.

She hummed again, "Where are you going?"

"Chicago." I answered as I continued nibbling and nipping at her neck.

She sighed, "I'll miss you." She said. When I went on trips it was always for a few days. "Who are you going with?" She asked.

"My brother and sister, Eddie, Nasir and Vincent." She nodded in response, "So it's business?" I nodded, "You should come with, it wouldn't be a bad Idea. You should bring Emma too." I said.

She was quiet for a minute. "Why are you going?" She asked. I was use to her asking questions by now. She always did.

"Something with H.R. You don't have anything to do baby." I said.

"I'm looking for a job." She said.

"You know you don't have to." I replied.

"But I want to." She said. So stubborn and independent. But I liked that about her.

"I'll go." She said and I smiled in response. She turned and faced me, our bodies still as close as they could get. She leaned in kissing my lips. Her lips felt soft and gentle against mines. I bring her bottom lip between my teeth before pulling away leaving one last peck. She smiled up at me as she stared into my eyes.


"Change of plans, I'm taking Isabella with me." I said.

"What? why?" Eddie said, "You sure that's a good idea? I mean you're working."

"I know but we still haven't caught Brian and I don't want to leave her here while i'm not here." I said. He nodded.

"Who's Brian?" Kenzie asked.

"Brian's Bella's ex-boyfriend who she thinks is dead. She thinks Rio killed him and now he's on the loose." Cesar answered before I could. I glared at him.

"Really Rio?" Kenzie said. "Can I talk to you?" She asked. I rolled my eyes, sighing and followed her out of the room.

"It's obvious she really cares for you Rio. Even after she thinks you killed her ex. Rio I'm happy you finally found someone, don't fuck it up." She said and I sighed, "You found someone else who's okay with the shit you do that's not Bailey."

"I think I already did Mackenzie. That's why I still haven't told her I don't want her to leave like everyone else."

She looked at me sadly and sighed pulling me into a hug. "Just tell her soon, the sooner the better and I'm sure you had your reasons, right?"

I didn't say anything, "What was the reason you lied?"

"He abused her and I was actually going to kill him because he even became a problem to me and got in my way but I need him for answers.. he worked with Mateo."

"What answers do you need about Mateo?" She said confusingly.

I sighed, "A while ago one of my stashes got stolen, I know it was Mateo because it had tracker in the product. I reverse tracked it and found out the original IP. I tracked it back to one of Mateo's warehouses. There's a treaty but I want to plot on him before he does. He's planning something against me and I don't know what or when. I want to be ready so I need Brian for answers."

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