Chapter 26

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Word count: 1,122

I rushed and got dressed, not taking a shower. I brushed my teeth and just put Emma in a t-shirt that was big on her. I brushed her blonde hair down, leaving it curly.

"Mommy mommy mommy mommy!" Emma called and I noticed i've been rushing and ignoring her, I probably scared her.

"Yes Em?"

"Daddy! I miss daddy!" She beamed. I put her little sandals on and snapped them. I held my hands out and picked her up.

My phone rang, "Hello?" I said not bothering to look at the caller id.

"Bella hurry up!!" Gemma said through the phone. I nodded but then realized she couldn't see me, "I'm leaving my apartment now." I said and hung up. I got my keys, shut the light off and slammed the door, locking it.

"Could you slam it any louder!" I heard one of the people in the other apartment yell.

"Sorry!" I called out and made my way to the Elevator.

I pressed the 'L' button, I waited a minute and it dinged and I made my way out, "Hello Bella! Bye Bella!" Mark at the front desk said.

"Bye Mark!"

I ran to Gemma's car and put Emma in her car seat. I shut the door and got in the passenger's. "Took you long enough let's go!" She said and pulled off.

"God i've missed him so much." Gemma said.

"I know I can't wait to see him." I said impatiently.

It took about forty five minutes and we made it to the airport. I got Emma out the back and Gemma and I looked around.

"Look!" She pointed out. We ran to him and attacked him with a hug. He chuckled and squeezed us back.

"I've missed you guys too." He said, his thick accent filling my ears.

I had completely forgotten about it, which was stupid of me. I chuckled, "I forgot about your accent."

"I don't have a accent for the thousandth time." He smiled. "This is America, Noah not the uk." I replied.

"We've missed you so so so much. Time flew." Gemma said and he hugged her again.

Noah was our best friend from high school. All throughout Ninth to twelfth. Gemma and I were in the same grade because She started school when I did, which was late. It wasn't either of our faults, it was our mother's to be completely honest. High school was a bit hard for Gemma because she'd get picked on and I would get picked on sometimes for being her sister. I stuck up for us the best I could and we met Noah. All three of us were always together. We would go to school together, and come home from school together, hang out, skip, things high school students did. I was with Brian who Gemma or Noah didn't like. They complained so much about how they didn't trust him. I should've listened. After we finished school, I was eighteen, Noah's parents never struggled with money so he was going to college but I wasn't sure if he had really wanted to and It took him a year to figure out what college he wanted to go to. I had turned 19, I got pregnant by Brian, we had an argument, I forget what about but we broke up. I told Gemma and Noah I was pregnant. We hadn't told Alex yet. Noah had said he would always be there for me and the baby. Once I went into labor, Noah still hadn't decided what college he wanted to go to. I had Emma and he loved her. Me and Brian got back together, I told him I had his baby. Once Emma was two months, Noah told me and Gemma how his dad chose a college for him back in the UK. He was going back.

He was still in college, It had only been almost three years. He said once he stayed he had began to like it even though he had promised to transfer colleges that accepted him in the U.S. Of course we weren't mad, it was his future and we were grown, the promise was silly.

"Emma." He said and he looked at her. "She's gotten so big." I held her out to him for him to hold her. He hesitantly grabbed her and held her in his arms.

"My little squishy." He said. I smiled as the nickname brought back memories. He would call her that because of her cheeks. "Squishy!" Emma shouted.


"So you and Brian still a thing?" Noah asked as he looked around my apartment.

"No.." I said.

"Oh, you guys share custody?" He questioned.

"N-no Brian doesn't care about Emma." I replied shamefully. Shamed that I had a baby by a man who abused me and didn't care anything about me or my daughter. He nodded, not asking any further questions.

"Bella Noah can't stay with me because you know Eddie wouldn't like that Idea." Gemma said and I raised my eyebrow. He stayed at her house? It definitely wasn't a good Idea for Noah to stay at Gemma's if Eddie stayed there, He'd probably threaten him with a gun and we also didn't need Noah questioning it.

I nodded, "Yeah Noah can stay with me in the spare room." I said and he smiled at me.


"Noah what made you come back? I said as he sat his bags down on the floor by the couch. Gemma left about a hour ago.

"I just have some things to arrange and a friend to visit." He said causing me to nod.

"Well I'm going to fix Emma some lunch, you want anything?" I offered.

"A sandwich is fine." He smiled.

Emma began crying as Noah held her, "I want Daddy!" She said with her finger in her mouth as tears prickled down her cheeks.

"Daddy?" Noah said confused because Brian obviously wasn't in her life.

"It's hard to explain." I said.

"You have a boyfriend?" He said. Although he was a friend, I don't understand why he had asked me all these questions.

"Because if you do, I'll leave, i'll find a place to stay. I don't want to cause any trouble." He said and he tried quieting Emma down. I made my way over to them and took her from his arms. She quieted down a little.

"No, I don't have a boyfriend." I said answering his question.

"Then who does she refer to as her dad?"

"It's hard to explain." I said hoping he'd let it go.

"I have time, babe. I don't mean to pry." I mentally rolled my eyes, He wasn't going to let this go was he?

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