Chapter 31

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Word count: 1,528

I was pulled out of my sleep sound of a phone's loud ringing. I reached over and answered it, "Rio, we have a problem." Eddie said.

"Deal with it Eddie, you woke me up," I said and began to press the red button.

"Brian's gone." He said. I looked over at Isabella, she was still asleep. I stood up and made my way outside on the porch of the cabin.

"What?" I hissed.

"I don't know how long ago it was since he escaped because Vincent was watching him." He sighed into the phone.

I bit my lip and threw my phone. "Fuck!" I yelled. I sighed trying to control my anger. I picked the phone back up, that was now shattered. I threw the remaining bits of it and made my way back into the cabin.

"Isabella." I called.

I went over to the bed and shook her. She woke up and rolled over and looked at me. "We have to go. I'm gonna to take you home. Get dressed." I said and made my way to the drawer and pulled out some black jeans and slipped them on. I put on a black tee shirt and threw a black hoodie on top. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I walked back in the room with Isabella and grabbed my boots.

I looked over at Isabella and she sat up in the bed confused. "What's wrong?" She said.

"Nothing, just get dressed." I sighed.

She stood up and combed her hands through her hair, making it look decent. She looked around the room searching for the sweats I gave her yesterday.

I pulled another pair out the drawer and tossed them to her. She slipped them on and kept my shirt on. She went to the bathroom and did her thing. She came back out, put her shoes on and looked at me.

"Okay lets go." I said and waited for her at the door. She walked out and I shut it and locked it. I pressed the alarm button to unlock my car. She made it to the car first and got in and shut the door.


"Will you tell me what's going on? You haven't spoken since we got in the car and you look upset and worried." She sighed, "You're scaring me." She whispered.

"Something just happened with work." I said. She didn't question it surprisingly.

I pulled up in front of the apartment building Gemma lived at. I was deciding on taking her straight home but she hadn't seen Emma in three days.

"Let's go." I said and she got out the car. I followed behind her.

We walked through the lobby, the man at the desk stopped us. "Do you guys have a key to your apartment? Please show it to me so I can confirm you live here." He said.

"My sister Gemma lives here. I'm here to pick up my daughter." Isabella said. And we continued to walk to the elevator.

"No!" His voice echoed through the lobby. "I'm sorry but what room are you trying to get to? I'll call and confirm it." He said in a calmer tone.

I made my way over to the man at the desk and pulled out my gun, "Rio! Stop." Isabella pleaded.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not going to kill him." I just don't have time for him to be making calls and shit.

Once he saw my gun his eyes widened. "Put the phone down." I said and he did. "Now go Isabella and hurry up please." I sighed.

I heard her sighing, "This is so unnecessary." I heard her say as she made her way into the elevator.

"Please don't kill me. It's my job, safety for the residents in the building." He said.

"Yeah yeah, I know. I just don't have time for all your protocols and shit." I replied.

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