Chapter 53

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Word count: 1,182

I moaned softly as he thrusted in and out of me while leaving kisses sloppily on my neck. We were both close. I leaned my head back against his shoulder, letting out another moan as he thrusted as deep as he could. I supported myself around the back of his neck, as I had nothing to hold on to. He continued to pound into me, I arched my back and spread my legs wider as I got closer and closer to an orgasm.

Rio let out a low groan as he gripped my hips and thrusted harder. "Rio.." I moaned, trying to get away from the overwhelming pleasure. He snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to his warm body, his tight hold not letting me go. I moaned loudly as I reached my climax. He groaned as he gripped my ass and slapped it, thrusting a few more times and released in me. The room sounded with our breathing.

I relaxed, laying down. I felt him drop down next to me. He snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. He pecked my forehead and sighed.

I turned and looked him in his eyes. I smiled as pecked his lips. "You ok?" I asked.

He nodded, "The guys need me at the warehouse." He said while looking at his phone, reading a text I assume. I frowned, it was two in the morning I wanted to sleep and cuddle with him. I guess not tonight, he probably won't be home until the morning.

"I'll be back as soon as possible, I promise." He said and kissed me. I didn't notice how sad I looked until he had reassured me. I nodded. I just get worried about him. His job is not the safest job, Who am I kidding his job isn't safe at all. And I missed him at times. I kissed him back softly and nodded. He pecked my forehead once more, "I love you." He said getting up to go get dressed.

"I love you." I replied.

He came back out fully dressed, black hoodie and jeans. He leaned down and placed his lips on mines. Our lips move in sync and I feel him slip his tongue in. He pulled away before it got too heated and left one last peck, "Get some sleep sweetheart, i'll be back as soon as I can." I nodded and sent him a small smile. He opened the door and left, and just like that it was just me all alone in this loft. Emma was sleep in her room.

I looked around the bed for a shirt, I spotted Rio's black tee. He had countless amounts of these. And that is exactly why I take his shirts and hoodies. They're comfortable and plus they smell like him. I slipped it over my naked body then fished in his drawers for a pair of panties and slipped them on.

I yawned and made my way back to bed. I plopped down and tried to go to sleep. Once you get use to sleeping with someone it sucks without them.


I felt Rio slip in bed and pull me to his chest. "What time is it?" I said sleepily, cuddling into him even more because it was chilly.
"Six am." He replied lowly, "Go back to sleep." He kissed my forehead.

I was pulled out of my sleep, I guess my body was charged enough. I hated waking up when I wanted to still sleep but was no longer tired. If that makes sense. I looked over and Rio was still sleep. My stomach growled, I went to Emma's room and checked on her, she was still sleep. I smiled softly and made my way to the kitchen.

I made some breakfast potatoes, eggs and bacon. Arms wrapped around my waist. I smiled and looked up at him, his lips met with mines. "I wanted to wake up first." He said then pecked my lips again.

"Why?" I sat our plates on the table.

"I have a surprise for you." He shrugged casually and sat down and began eating his food.

I raised my eyebrow, "A surprise? What kind of surprise?"

"Apple, orange, or cranberry?" I asked looking at the options of juices in the fridge.
"Orange. It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you now would it?" He said.

I rolled my eyes, "Comon, tell me, pleaseee?" He simply shook his head no, I pouted.
He chuckles, "You're cute, but nope. Sorry ma." I huffed, defeated, "Fine."

"Mommy," I heard Emma coming from her room. "Morning monkey, you hungry?" She nodded. I picked her up and sat down, sitting her on my lap feeding her as I ate.

We got dressed and I grew more anxious of this 'surprise' I wonder what is it.

"Put Emma down." He said and I furrowed my eyebrows wondering why but did anyways. He went behind me and began tying a bandanna around my eyes so I couldn't see.

"Babe?" I began to worry once it was quiet, I'm way too anxious for these type of things.
"Stop worrying I'm right here." He replied. He grabbed my hand and helped me get in the car, then I heard him putting Emma in her car seat.

"Babeee can I please take it off?" I pleaded.
"No." He said sternly, "If I see you peeking or trying to take it off, I will tie your hands up."

"You wouldn't." I replied.
"Oh but I will. Now just relax." He said, "You okay monkey?" He asked Emma.
"Mmh" I heard her hum.
"You thirsty?" He asked, I didn't hear her respond but she probably nodded. "Here," He said probably handing her her sippycup,
"Thank you." She said pronouncing her words incorrectly with her baby talk.


The car came to a stop, I guess we've made it to wherever we were going.
"Stay here, don't take it off yet I'm going to get Emma then help you out the car."

"Don't run off anywhere Emma, I mean it." He said.

"K." She replied and my door opened and I reached for his hand. I held onto his hand tightly as he walked god knows where.

We stopped and I felt Rio, behind me taking the bandanna off. My eyes adjusted to the surroundings. I looked back at Rio a bit confused. Who's house were we at?

"Surprise." He smiled at me and picked up Emma.

He slipped his hand out his pocket and pulled out a key. He walked up to the front door and opened it with the key then turned back to me.

"You mean?" I paused he bought this house? For us? "For us?" I asked.

"Yes baby, it's all ours."

I ran over to him and hugged him. I was so happy with him, everything was just perfect. "I love you. So much." I said after removing my lips from his.

"I love you. Now lets go look around, see if you like it."

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