Chapter 48

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Word count: 1,150

"Rio, what's in that room?" I turned to look at her as she pointed to the door.

"It's just an extra room, it's nothing." I said.

"Well why's it locked?" I rolled my eyes, "You always gotta ask so many questions." I chuckled, "I'll be back." I said and headed to the bathroom.

I undressed and stepped under the warm water. I sighed in relief and began scrubbing the dried up blood off of my knuckles. I hope she doesn't question me about the room again but knowing Isabella, she will.


I came out the bathroom and sat at the table in front of a plate she had sat at the table. "Thanks sweetheart." She nodded.

"So, If it's just another empty room, That's would be perfect for Emma. Because you know, she always sleeps with us whenever we're here." She said.

I shook my head, "That door is to not be opened Isabella, I mean it." I said.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "I don't understand why if it's just another empty room."

I sighed softly trying not to snap, "Baby please just stop asking about it alright?" I said.

She didn't say anything. She was just silent now. I sighed again. I stood up and put my empty plate in the sink. She walked over to the bed and flopped down on it and took out her phone.

"Sweetheart," I said and pulled her into my lap and kissed her forehead. "Are you mad at me?" I asked. I knew she was, she was giving me the silent treatment.

"No. Why would I be mad?" She asked.

"I don't know you're just really quiet." I said.

"Well maybe I just don't wanna talk." She said, her eyes glued to her phone.

I took it out of her hand and held it up in the air.

"Give it back Rio." She said seriously causing me to chuckle at her face, she had an angry and annoyed pout on her face.

"I will when you tell me what's wrong." I said.

"It's the way you react to certain things Rio, it just always seems like you're hiding something and never want to tell me anything." She said.

"I know sweetheart. And I'm sorry. I'm still getting use to opening up with you, and I'm not use to feeling obligated to have to further explain myself and tell people things. I know it's obviously changed now and you're my girlfriend, I'm sorry." I said.

She sighed and hugged me, "And I know that. I know you have trouble opening up. Just please don't always leave me in the dark or feel like you can't tell me anything. I'm here."

I pecked her lips, "This is why I love you." I said and she smiled.

"Comon." I said and she stood up off my lap. I went to my closet and got the key to the room from under a shoe box.

I left the closet making my way to the door. I locked all my feelings away in this room. I couldn't bare to see the items in here to remind me. It's been so long since I've been in here.

I sighed and began to open the lock. I let Isabella go in first.

She observed the room and looked around for a bit before finally speaking up, "I don't understand there's a bunch of baby things here." She said.

There were boxes of clothes, toys everything you needed for a baby.

"This was my daughter's room." I said lowly. It still kind of hurt to say it.

"Your daughter..?" She said a little confused.

"You have a daughter?" She asked. She looked at me then quickly attacked me with a hug. "Are you okay?" She asked. "You look really upset."

I wrapped my arms around her petite waist and pulled her into me. "I had a daughter. She was one, her name was Zoë." I said.

Either I refuse to cry or I just couldn't. I went through years of grief, I don't want to deal with this pain. I was numb to it.

"Rio, I'm such a bitch." She sighed, "Im so sorry I made you come in here."

"No. Don't talk about yourself like that. I understand why you made me." I said. She had no idea about Zoë, "I'm glad you made me."

"I'm sorry. We can leave and talk about something else." She said.

I shook my head, "Step by step." I said and she smiled and pecked my lips.

"I was only twenty years old when I had her. My parents were killed when we were all young so I took over young, making me an even more target than I was just being his son. A man named Carlos, my dad's rival ambushed us and killed Zoë. I was young and new to the game, ever since I've always been cautious." I never caught him. I searched for him for years and waited around for him to come for us but I guess he never found out about us.

"You're the strongest person I know." She said staring directly into my eyes while caressing my cheek.

"Sweetheart, you're the strongest person I know." I chuckled. Her shit of an ex put her through so much and on top of that me kidnapping her and making her work for me.

"Now, I think your suggestion was a really great Idea. I'll have this cleaned out, and i'll have it painted whatever way you or Emma's want it." I said.

She smiled, "I love you." She said and kissed me.

"I love you ma. Where's Emma?" I asked.

"She's spending the night with Gemma." She said.

I nodded and we left out of the room. I made some calls to get men to move everything out the room and clean it completely and hired painters to come next week.

"I hired cleaning men and painters. They're coming next week." She nodded, "What color do you want the room?" I asked.

"Lavender and white." She said and I nodded.

I sat on the couch next to her and pulled her into my lap so she straddled me. I sucked softly on her neck and left kisses all over, leaving multiple hickies.

"I can't ever get enough of you." I said and took her shirt off.

I carried her over to the bed and laid her on her back and began leaving a trail of kisses from her neck down to her bellybutton. I unbuttoned her shorts and slipped them off along with her panties, leaving her in just her bra.

"You always undress me and stay fully clothed, no fair." She said. I chuckled and slipped her bra off before undressing.

"I just like to look at you." I said and slid into her slowly causing her to let out a low moan.

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