Chapter 16

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Word count: 1,557

She got out the car soon as I parked and sped walked to Alex's front door. I followed behind her. The door opened and Alex pulled her in for a hug. "I was so worried about you, your face!" She said.

"I'm fine now." Isabella said barely above a whisper.

"It was Brian, wasn't it?" She said shaking her head.

Isabella nodded, "Where's Emma?" She asked getting off that topic.

"She's in the living room," Alex said and her eyes made her way to me as Isabella walked into the house.

"Thank you." She said. I just shrugged and went to fetch Emma and Isabella.

"I missed you so much." She said as she hugged Emma tightly. Emma giggled as she wrapped her small arms around Isabella's neck.

I stood in the doorway as Emma showed her a new stuffed animal Beth had probably got her. "Gotta new friend." Emma said, mispronouncing her words with her baby talk. She was smart as hell to only be two.

Isabella smiled, "Oh you met them at the playground?"

She nodded as she played with Isabella's necklace. "Oh yeah and what's their name?" Isabella asked.

Emma smiled, "H.R."

It couldn't be. I took out my phone and sent a text to Eddie. I walked over to where Isabella and Emma sat, "Em, what did H.R say?" I said causing Isabella to look at me and raise her eyebrows. "Wanted mommy." Emma answers.

"What? Rio what is she talking about?" Isabella said, worry filled her voice.

This must've had something to do with Brian and Mateo. There's no coincidence that soon as I said Isabella was my girlfriend, H.R shows up questioning Emma. Question was; what did he want? He probably thought getting in touch with Isabella, He could get in touch with me.

"Isabella lets go." She looked at me, "N-no can I bring Emma?" I shook my head. "Emma will be fine here, It's one thing people think I have a girlfriend, Emma will just add to it and make it worse." She sighed.

"Daddy," Emma held her hands out. I smiled and picked her up.

"Hi monkey." I kissed her cheeks.

"We have to go mommy will be back, alright?" Isabella said.

"Rio you got my little sister into this shit now she's constantly with you, putting herself and her child in danger." Alex spat.

"Shut the fuck up." I rolled my eyes, "I'm sure Isabella's life is way better now than it was in a fucking abusive relationship which you failed to realize when the signs were clear as day." Alex didn't reply, "Now you bitches better make that trip to Philadelphia because he's expecting."

Isabella's eyes widened, "Rio stop." She spat.

"Go with mommy," Emma's lip began to quiver, "Baby we'll be back alright?" She was full on crying now. I sighed as Isabella took her out out of my hands.


Isabella got Emma to sleep and we left. I opened the door to my loft, letting Isabella walk in. I switched on the lights, Isabella let out a scream. I grabbed my gun, "W-who is that?" She said.

"H.R, what the fuck are you doing here?" He only smirked and looked at me.

"I had to see pretty little Isabella for myself, heard she's your's, that's just too bad." I wasn't sure how to respond to this, whether to tell him she was and he would fuck with Isabella because she's my 'girlfriend' or to tell him she's not, but it wasn't guaranteed that he'd leave her alone.

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