Chapter 37

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Word count: 816

"I know what you did," he said. "I know who you're involved with and what you to did to Brian." He continued.

"How did you get in here?" I sighed and grabbed my phone to look for Rio's number but I couldn't see that good from the angle I had my phone in. I slipped it back in my pocket, "What are you doing here?" I asked and made my way to the kitchen acting unbothered but truth is, I was. How did he know about Brian? How did he even get in my house?

I pretend to get something out of the fridge and quickly dialed Rio's number and to my luck he picked up.

"I was about to call you. I'm on my way there, i'm like a block away. I'm sorry about how I acted when you asked about Mia and Bailey but-"

"Rio!" I whispered harshly, "My old boss is in my apartment. I don't know how he got in but he's going on about-" Honestly I wasn't sure why I called Rio. Part of it was because I thought it was possible Rio knew Liam and Liam was involved with him. But another part of me didn't think any of it was true. There's no way Liam could be involved with Rio right? Another part of me called him because I felt safe with him. It was ironic but I did.

"What are you doing?" I heard his voice behind me. I sat the phone down in the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water, "I was just getting water." I said and closed the refrigerator.

He stared at me.

I sighed, "Can you go? I want to give my daughter a bath and let her sleep." I said.

"No. Not until you talk to me."


"Bella." He still stared at me and walked a little closer. "So. Why are you working with him?" He said.

"With who?"

"The gang man. I don't know his name but i've been watching you and I know you two are somehow connected to Brian's disappearance."

"Liam I don't know what you're talking about. You need to leave, now."

He walked over to me, fast and pushed me into the refrigerator causing all of the things on top to fall. He wrapped his hand around my neck and squeezed, hard.

I tried my best to make him let go but it was hard fighting with no air, "Liam." I struggled to say.

"You're going to tell me everything and I might, just might not go to the police, alright?"

"And you're going to let go of her." I heard a voice. Liam let go of me quickly, I fell to the floor as I struggled to hold myself up.

"You're going to leave right now. You're lucky there's a kid in here or I would've killed you with no hesitation." Rio said, Liam remained quiet. "Now tell me, why are you here Liam?"

I was no longer paying attention to their conversation. It only made me more antsy and anxious when all I could focus on how I felt right at the moment. My chest tightened and my breaths got shorter and faster. Tears slipped from my eyes as my heart raced and pounded.

"Leave. I'll find you and if you even try to talk to her, you know what will happen." Rio threatened. Liam hurried out of the apartment. Rio made his way over to me quickly.

"What happened sweetheart, did he hurt you?" He asked.

Tears slipped from my eyes. I was scared, he actually chocked me. To the point where I felt like I would die. It not also scared me but brought up unwanted memories of Brian. My breath was unsteady. "I need my medicine." I said between fast breaths, almost inaudible.

"Just wait here." He said and left to go to my room.

He came back and grabbed the bottle of water I had and handed it to me along with a pill.

I took the medicine and he pulled me into him, I sat on his lap, both my legs on each sides of his. "Are you alright?" He asked as he rubbed circles in my back while I rested my head on his shoulder. I nodded. He slid me off of him and stood up. He grabbed my hand and helped me up from the floor.

"Can you stay with me?" I said, hoping he didn't have anything to do. "Just until I fall asleep?" I felt safe with Rio. It sounded stupid but I did. If he doesn't stay with me, I would probably not even sleep.

"Oh course sweetheart." He said and pulled me close to him. I smiled softly and wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest, taking in his scent that always relaxed me.

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