Chapter 51

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Word count: 1,276

More tears continued to roll down my cheek. I took out my keys and hurriedly opened the door to my apartment. I turned on the lights and took in the apartment. We haven't been here in forever it seems. I rubbed Emma's back as she began to whine from being woken up. I carried her to my room and laid her on the bed and covered her up. All I felt was betrayal. He lied to me this entire time and continued to even after we started dating.

You know how rio was when you first met.
He didn't give a shit about anything, he was a complete asshole to me. He kidnapped me and kept me away from Emma for months. But he obviously cares about you. I hated that battle with your mind and heart.

Brian is out there. I thought. When Rio first told me he killed him I was devastated. Even with all the fucked up shit he did to me, there was still history, he still was the man who helped conceive my daughter. Then I had gotten use to the fact Brian was dead, I felt more safe. But he's still out there, and he'll come for me.

I sniffled and wiped my tears once I heard a knock at the door. I stood up from the floor and walked over to the door, looking out the peep hole. I sighed and opened the door. He smiled at me, then frowned.

"Bella, what happened?" He asked worriedly and pulled me in for a hug.

"He lied to me Easton." I said, "He told me he killed Brian. All these months, he's been alive this entire time."

"Who's Brian?" He asked.

"M-my ex boyfriend. Emma's biological father." I answered.

He nodded, "Wait and Rio told you he killed him, and now you two are together?" He chuckled, "I'm not surprised Rio did some crazy fucked up shit like that. What Rio wants, Rio gets." He said as he looked at me and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, he wanted you obviously. So he killed your boyfriend, or made it seem like he did." He replied and I laughed. He looked over at me, "Well hey, at least you're smiling." He smiled.

"You got it all wrong." I laughed again, "I knew Rio was going to kill Brian. When he did, or when I thought he did, we weren't even together. He did it because he said Brian got in his way and Brian hurt me and he can't have me being harmed." I sighed. "But he never killed Brian. He kidnapped him and used him for information on that Mateo guy.." I never spoke to Mateo. I've only seen him once and that was when Brian worked for him and took me to where they lived.

"I just.. I thought he did it for me. Because he cared, you know?" It hurt. To think he genuinely didn't want to see me hurt so he got rid of Brian. It's like he used my weakness for permission to kidnap Brian when it was actually just to get answers from him.

Easton nodded, "Bella Rio loves you very much. His way of doing things isn't always the correct way, but at least he made an effort to tell you the truth right?"

"Yeah, months later." I spat.

"Bella, him even lying to you from the start shows he cares, he didn't want you to worry, he wanted you to feel safe and that's what he made you feel." Easton said.

"I hate how right you are right now." I smiled at him.

"I've know Rio for a long time, he's blunt, ruthless, reckless, whatever. He doesn't lie about anything he does, or is ashamed." He said.

"Enough about that, I want to watch a movie." I said. It was late or technically early. Probably going on half past three in the morning.

"Why don't you go be with Elle? I'm sure she's all alone wanting you with her." I said. Truth is, I wanted Rio with me. I had gotten use to having him in bed with me.

"And I want to be with her, but this is my job." He said.

"Oh.." I nodded, completely forgetting Easton was only here for one reason; it was his job. He was practically forced to spend time with me and talk to me. "I'm gonna go to bed." I said and shut off the tv.

"But you only just started watching it." He chuckled.

"I know, I'm tired." I said.

"Okay, call Rio." He told me.

"I'll talk to him tomorrow."


I didn't call him. The day after our fight, I thought about it but, why? I wasn't the one in the wrong. I'm not the one who lied. He should be trying to reach out to me but he hasn't. It's been five days. Does he even care about us? About Emma?

"Seriously Easton? I can't use my car?" He shook his head no.

"I'll drive you anywhere you need to go." He said.

"And you're staying at my job too, I assume?" He chuckled and nodded yes. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Emma's things and put them in her little backpack.

"Come on baby." I held her small hand.

"Mommy I want daddy." She said. She adores Rio. Every time he isn't around he's all she asks for.

"You guys are acting like teenagers, just make up. Poor Emmy." He said and picked her up and kissed her forehead.

"He should be reaching out, he hasn't said anything to us in five days." I said. "Can you drive me by Alex's? I'm taking Emma there, then I'm going to work." He nodded.


I sighed and plopped down on my couch, it was a pretty good first day at work, not too much.

Easton was taking a shower, Emma was already asleep.

The door opened causing me to gasp. "What are you doing here-" He pressed his lips against mine. "I'm so sorry." He whispered on my lips. He wrapped his arms around my waist. It took everything for me not to give in.

"W-why haven't you called or anything? Emma's been wanting you and I'm-"

"I know, I'm sorry." He sighed, "I've just been really busy these past few of days and things have been crazy. I wanted to give you space." He said. "But I'm here baby. I miss you and Emma. Please hear me out." He begged.

I nodded. "When I told you I'd kill Brian, I knew from the start I couldn't, I had been planned getting information from him. The reason I told you I was going to is because I-I saw you so terrified and broken because of him. I just wanted to fix it. I didn't know why I wanted to do it for you, I didn't know why I wanted to make up a lie about killing him to make you feel better. But it was because I cared about you from the start." So it was for me. He did do it because he cared. It wasn't just for his personal gain and Mateo bullshit. "Baby, I love you and I really was going to kill him. I hated the fact he put his hands on you and I might've haven't shown it, but trust me I did."

I wrapped my arm around him and hugged him tightly. "I get it, I understand. Just don't lie to me again." I said.

He pulled me into his lap and kissed me. "Never."

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