Chapter 77

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Word count: 9,007

"Come on, mommy has to show us what she bought for us!" Mackenzie said excitedly.

"Y'all heard your sister, go on." Dad said while looking at Cesar and me.

"But dad, it was my turn for you to teach me how to shoot. Cesar got to do it." I said.

"Rio your time will come, now go on and go see what your mama bought you." He told me.

I just nodded and walked towards the sliding back door. "And get rid of that pout, men don't pout." I heard him say. I immediately listened and tried putting on a straight face regardless of how bummed I was that dad didn't get to teach me how to hit a target.

I made my way into the kitchen and in the living room, "Surprise!!" I smiled widely at my mother, sister and brother who stood by a cake that had white and blue icing with gold flowers.

"Happy birthday baby." Mama spoke and pulled me in for a hug, "Wow, you're ten years old now. You're getting old on me." She said.

I shook my head, "I'll always be your baby, mama." I smiled softly and squeezed her.

She rubbed my back, "I know that. No matter how old you are you'll always be mama's baby." She kissed the top of my head, "After we're done here, I have a present for you," she said and I nodded.

"Come here boy," I heard my dad say. I pulled away from my mom and turned to my dad. He sat down on the other couch across from us. My eyes lit up once I saw a present in his hand.

"No fair, I wanted him to open mines first." My eight year old sister pouted.

"Bring your present over here Maze." Dad told Kenzie.

She smiled widely and ran over to us and handed me her president. I remember when dad first brought my little sister home. I was eight and she was six. She was sad and scared but I always tried to cheer her up. Both me and Cesar. She eventually wasn't sad any more and it made me the happiest big brother on the planet.

I opened her present and my eyes lit up. It was a shirt I saw before in the store. I hugged her, "Thanks Kenzie. I love it."

She smiled, "You're welcome Rio."

"You can open the rest of your presents after mines, here." My dad held out his president.

I ripped the plain, heavy, unwrapped box open. My eyes lit up once I saw it. It was a gold and black gun. I remember my dad asked what color would I get my gun when i'm old enough to. He got me that exact color.

"Thanks so much dad!" I shouted and hugged him. He just patted my back and nodded.

"No, no way." I heard mama say. I looked at her as she glared angrily at dad.

"No?" He asked.

"No." She answered.

He just chuckled and lit a cigarette, bringing it up to his mouth inhaling it. "And I told you no smoking around the kids." Mama said.

"Here Rio, my present." Cesar smiled a little trying to get my attention off of mom and dad.

I took the present and ripped the wrapping paper off. I smiled at the handmade necklace. It had a wooden capital R hanging from the black string. I turned it to the back, observing it further. 'Love Cesar' the small words engraved in it. I hugged him, "I love it Cesar." I put the necklace around my neck.

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