Chapter 28

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Word count: 1,631

He leaned in and placed his lips on mines, startling me. My eyes widened but I gave into the kiss. He pulled me closer to him, our lips moving in sync. He slipped his tongue in my mouth, fighting with mines for dominance. His hands made their way to my hips and up my shirt. He rubbed circles with his thumb on the skin. We were full on making out, but I needed answers.

"I really don't understand you sometimes." I whispered after pulling away from the kiss. "Why are you here, Rio?" He stared at me as if he seemed to be thinking, like he was in a trance. Which he had did often.

"You wanted work, right?" He said and I smiled. He still was so confusing. Just yesterday he didn't even want to talk to me and told me to go home. Was an complete ass and I wasn't going to lie, he hurt my feelings.

I nodded, still hesitant. "Well why'd you kiss me?" I said.

He rolled his eyes and sighed, "Do you always have to ask questions?"

"You never answer them," I shrugged. "So i'll always ask more because you're so mysterious and i'm a curious person."

"Why do want to work with me?" He said and I decided on not answering that. Truth is I liked spending time with him. I liked his company. I had thought about it deeply when Gemma asked me did I have feelings for him and maybe I did. That's the reason I had got so upset when I saw him with the other girl. But I wasn't entitled to him. We had nothing going on besides the fact that we hooked up twice. I'm sure that's all it was to him and I wasn't going to make a fool of myself.

"Why don't you answer my questions?" I stare at him, smirking ignoring his.

"Who's that guy that stays here with you?" He stares back.

"Why are you so harsh sometimes?" I said.

"Why do you ask so many questions?" He said.

I rolled my eyes giving up, "That's not how it's supposed go, I ask, you answer, you ask I answer. And it continues on."

He shrugged, "You should know by now I don't play by rules. I don't even like the damn law."

I rolled my eyes again.

"Where's Emma?" He said.

"She's with Noah and Gemma, she took her kid and Alex's kid and Emma to the zoo." I said.

"Who is this guy Noah, Where did he come from and why does he stay here?" He scoffed.

"Why does it matter?" I asked only because I didn't want to answer his question because he doesn't answer any of mines and Noah also seemed to take his interest.

"I'm fucking serious Isabella, answer me." He said sternly.

He had some nerve, "Why should I answer you? You never answer any of my questions. I find that a bit unfair Rio."

"Fine, i'll answer anything you ask." He said.

"From now on? Anything? It's only fair if we're going to work together again." I bargained.

"Fine." He said, it sounded as if he forced it out.

"Promise?" I smiled.

He huffed and nodded, "I promise. Who's Noah?" He asked again.

"No," I held up my pinky. "Pinky promise right now." I ordered. He pursued his lips with a annoyed expression. He huffed and stuck his pinky out and I locked his pinky with mine and smiled.

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