Chapter 7

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Word count: 1,538

"You can go," He said with his signature smirk spread across his face.

I held Emma in my hands, "I can..?" I said. He didn't say anything, he just smirked. He said not even a minute ago that he wasn't letting me go.

I took it as my cue to leave. I began walking farther away from his desk, as I was about to open the door, he spoke, "But," He said. I sighed and turned around, "Only if you work for me." Seriously? I sighed. I hated him.

"You kept me captured for three months and I can only be free if I work for you? You've got to be kidding me." I shook my head in disbelief.

He leaned back in his chair, "Do is sound like I'm joking?" He asked rudely, this man had an attitude.

"I don't owe you anything," I spat.

"Honestly you do sweetheart." Stop with the names. "If you don't work for me I guess I could just put you back in there. He held his thumb back, pointing to the bookshelf and shrugged his shoulders. "You're freedom for your silence and if you work for me," he bargained.

"How do you know I won't go to the cops when you let me go and tell them you're forcing me to work for you and kidnapped me?" I mentally slapped myself for saying something so idiotic but I had to ask. He was very confident in letting me go even with all the things I've witnessed him do.

He chuckled, "You obviously don't know what I'm capable of, those bodies should've told you enough. You think I care about police? I fucking kidnapped you, I can do it again or worse." He looked at me like I was insane, "If you do try to go to the police, it won't end well for you." He chuckled his hand clutching the gun that sat on top of his desk. I shuddered and the sight of the gun, bringing me back to that night I ran away from Brian and ran into him. This man just threatened me. Why was I so cursed? I ran from the man who brought so much trouble to my life and got myself into more of it.

"What do I get out of working for you?"

"What will I get out of you working for me?" He smirked, leaving me confused as fuck. I had no clue what he meant by that I just shrugged it off.

"Can I go now?" he made a gesture with his hand indicating I was dismissed. I began to walk towards the door again, but was stopped again.

"I mean I do get to say goodbye to Emma, right?" The fact that Emma called him daddy still bothered me. It upsets me on a whole other level. I had no clue who this man was or what this man's name was and my daughter called him daddy. He didn't deserve her. She obviously felt safe while with him, I thought Emma would never use that word again once I got away from Brian.


It was foreign to hear her use it.

I sat Emma on her feet and she ran to him. He hugged her and kissed her forehead. "Don't wanna go." She pouted.

"But you miss your mommy, don't you? You have to go home with mommy and I'll see you again." He assured her. How was a man like him so good with children? "And we'll also get ice cream." He added. She smiled and nodded before running back to me.

"I haven't been to my job in three months, I'm probably fired what will I say?" I said. I need this job, I can't afford to lose it. I'm saving to move.. well I was before I ran. I was just scared and it was an impulsive thought. My biggest worries were my sisters. They had to have called the cops, right? What will I tell them?

"If you're working for me, you don't need it." His eyes met with mines.

"I do," I defended desperately.

"I already handled it anyway," he said.

"What do you mean? How do you know where I work, how do you know things about me?" I began to worry, besides the threat he gave me made me reconsider going to the cops even more.

"If I'm kidnapping someone I have to make sure there's no suspicions, so I found out where you worked and told them you were sick." He explained.

Sick for three months? No way my boss believes that, he's an asshole. The again who would argue with this man in front of me?

"Well at least give me your name." I sighed. "I-I mean you might as well if i'm going to be working with you."

"Chris," he said. I nodded.

"Short for Christopher?" I asked.

"Sure." He chuckled and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I don't know my way home from here," I said.

"I'll have someone take you home," he said and began to make a call on his phone.

"Nasir, come to my house and take Isabella home." He didn't hang up right away, he stayed quiet, I could hear the indistinct voice of person on the other end. "Trust me, she's not going to go to the cops." His eyes met with mines and he still had that smirk. I felt uncomfortable and intimidated by him, the man was clearly dangerous and very mysterious. I shifted a little and let my eyes travel around the room, anywhere but his eyes. "Yeah just get here." He hung up the phone.

He went back to doing something on his phone. I stood there waiting for my ride, not knowing what else to do.

"You might as well sit at least, he is not going to be here for a few."

I sighed and sat down on the couch and sat Emma next to me, occupying herself with a toy.

Chris eventually left the office to do god knows what. I sighed and eventually picked out a book off the bookshelf to read because I had nothing else to do and Emma fell asleep.

I felt myself drifting off. "He's here," Chris' loud voice woke me up instantly.

I cringed, "Why are you so loud?" He chuckled and picked up Emma and got her blanket and bunny. He walked out the office and I followed behind him. He opened the door and went outside. He opened the door and put Emma in, there was already a car seat, maybe the guy had a kid.

"I'll call you. See you soon, Isabella." He said. I sighed in response because he really wasn't letting this go, he really insisted on me working for him. What did he even want me to do? I got in the car and the man drove off.

The guy driving pulled up in front of my House. The feeling was uneasy to see it, I was afraid of what Brian would do. What would I tell him I have been doing for three months? Emma stayed asleep when I picked her up. I walked slowly up the porch trying my best to take my time to reach the door. I finally got up to the door. I didn't have my key but I tried to open the door anyways because Brian always forgot to lock it and to my luck, it wasn't locked. I stepped in, the cool air hit me. I looked around and saw no sign of Brian. I walked quietly upstairs and put Emma in her bed.

I took a shower and put on some pajamas. I wasn't sure where Brian was, but i'm glad he wasn't home. I got into bed and laid down. I closed my eyes to get some sleep. I immediately opened when I heard voices and heard the door open and close. My first instinct was to hide. I made the bed back up and hid as fast as I could, under the bed as I heard their footsteps inching closer along with their voices. I wanted to go to Emma's room but they were already too close.

The voices got closer, I heard giggling it sounded like a women's voice. Brian said things I couldn't make out, but they were slurred, he was drunk. It got quiet for a while but then I began to hear kissing. The bed bounced and the girl made a giggle, another weight was added to the bed.

A few minutes passed, "Brian.." She moaned out, the voice sounded I couldn't even cry. I had the suspicion he was cheating on me, I was gone for three months and he was living his life like Emma and I were never there. The love was gone. The attraction was gone. The abuse was enough. It was time I get out of here. But I don't want anyone's help. I want to get a place and do everything on my own. I sat there trying my best to block out the sounds as I waited for them to be done so I could get from under this bed.


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