Chapter 55

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Word count: 1,757

"Where is he?" I demanded Eddie to answer.

"Bella he got shot but he's fine now. He woke up this morning." He replied and my heart dropped but I was soon relieved that he was ok. "Why didn't you call me immediately? He was shot yesterday am I correct?"

He sighed and nodded, "Rio thought It would be best you stayed home with Emma and didn't worry."

"Eddie take me to him right now." I said angrily.


I rushed in after Eddie into the unfamiliar house. "Why are we here? isn't he at the hospital?"

"We can't take him to a hospital, Bella. You know that." Eddie sighed. I stayed quiet, of course they couldn't. I followed Eddie to a room, I saw Maze and Cesar and a woman who appeared to be dressed like a nurse.

"Rio." I choked out as tears fell from my eyes. All of their eyes snapped in my direction. He tried sitting up, and groaned in response.

"Rio, relax." Maze said sternly. This was the worst I've ever seen him. He looked weak, drained of energy and nutrients, in pain.

"Shit, I told you not to tell her?" He groaned again.

"I told Eddie to. It felt wrong to keep it from her." Maze said. Finally some one with some sense.

"Where is Eddie?" Rio asked.

"He's outside with Emma." I whispered.

Maze and Cesar began walking out of the room. I stayed silent waiting for them to close the door. "I was worried about you." My voice began to crack as I started to cry again. He tried getting up again and I walked towards him stopping him. I hugged him gently resting my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist,

"Im alright, ma." He said.

"You're not Rio. You could have died." I raised my voice a little. He kissed my head and it wasn't until he rubbed my back telling me it would be ok that I realized I was full on crying. I loved him so much. I've never loved anyone as much as I did Rio. I loved Brian but that was back in high school and we ended up having Emma so early so it was as if we were forced to stay together. If it wasn't for Emma, we probably wouldn't have been together as long as we were.

"Hey," He made me look up at him and kissed me. "I'm here, i'll always be. I love you."

I nodded and wiped my tears, "I love you so much." I choked out a sob. The thought of losing him really was scary. His job was so dangerous, I hated it. But I would never ask him to quit.

It's his lifestyle and was his lifestyle way before he met me. He pulled me in for another hug, groaning.

I pulled away immediately, "I'm sorry." I said.
"W-where did you get shot at?"

He rubbed the side of his stomach, "Just once, sweetheart. I'll be fine."

I nodded, "What happened? Did the guys who stole from you do this?" That was the last thing he had told me about where he was going.

He shook his head and sighed, "I killed Mateo." He said causing my heart to drop.

"You mean you broke the treaty?" He nodded. Suddenly, anger filled me. I know he was hurt right now and I shouldn't be mad but why didn't he tell me? "I can't believe you." I said angrily as tears fell from my eyes from anger and sadness. He grabbed my wrists, "Isabella, what's wrong?" He said in confusion.

He didn't even see what the issue was.

I shook my head, "I can't believe you didn't tell me what you were doing. I'm your girlfriend, a call would've been nice." I spat and got out of his grasp.

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