Chapter 14

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Word count: 1,126

I woke up, remembering I was in Rio's loft, remembering the thoughts of last night. I had to admit, he was good, it was great. Took me a while to get adjusted to his size, but- I'm not doing this. I sighed, Shaming myself, again for being so stupid.

I sat up, his shirt still on me. I made my way over to the kitchen, cringing at the cold floor. I decided to make tea and look for something to eat but there wasn't anything.

I sighed, I just wanted to move into my apartment with Emma. I sat on the counter and pulled the shirt down as far as I could, I heard the door began to unlock. He sighed and took his hoodie off and looked around the loft. "Isabella." He called, before even turning to look at the kitchen.

"Over here." I said. He made his way to the kitchen and opened the fridge, closing it back quickly since there was nothing there.

I noticed there were a few bruises on his face. He stared at me as I sat on the counter. His eyes roamed me entirely, traveling down my legs as they dangled, then they shot back up and met mines. He licked his lips, "I'm going to take a shower." He said taking his shirt off as he made his way to the bathroom.

"What happened to your face?" He ignored me and kept walking. Rude. I rolled my eyes.

I took his time to throw on my bra, not wanting to take off his shirt because I didn't have any panties, so I put it back on.

I sat and waited for him to come out, If I had panties I would have left long ago and besides I can't because I don't have my car. My eyes roamed the room and I noticed the fabric of my lace panties from last night. I picked them up, completely unwearable. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

I heard the door began to open and he walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist. I examined his toned body. I stopped myself, instantly looking away.

"I-I'm ready to go I don't have any panties, which is the reason I haven't taken your shirt off, i'm sure it's very uncomfortable to wear jeans without them." I spoke quietly looking down not making eye contact with him.

He didn't say anything. I hesitantly looked up, our eyes making contact.

He dropped his towel as I looked at him. My eyes widened as I looked away. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I sighed.

"Nothing you haven't seen right?" He chuckled and I saw him out the corner of my eye putting his boxers on.

"Well, I don't have any panties because you fucking ripped them." I said annoyed because he ignored me the first time. He just looked at me and smirked. He reached in he drawer, and tossed a shirt and some loose boxers on the bed.

I sighed and went to the bathroom to get changed. I put on the boxers and another one of his shirts that covered them.

"I'm ready to go." I said as I put my shoes on.

"I told you you need to stay here." He said. "Well that's not happening, Rio. Take me home."

"Don't feel special, I'm not fucking telling you to stay here because I want to fuck you, I told you it's for your own safety."

"Well that's what it seems like you did. Why do you care about my fucking safety?" I spat.

"Well I sort of already did that, and I've told you this already." He said annoyedly. I felt a pang of pain as my heart drop.

I wasn't going to cry. Especially not in front if him. I was use to shitty people anyways.

"If something happens to you, there's nothing I can do." He said and it looked like he was telling the truth. I almost believed him, I wasn't going to be naive again. I just shook my head, "There's nothing you need to do but take me to Alex's house." He sighed and nodded.


He pulled up in front of Alex's house. I unbuckled my seat belt and began to get out.

He grabbed my arm, "Isabella be careful." He said as his brown eyes poured into mines. Was he still keeping this act up? Really?

I just nodded and mumbled a small thanks before closing his door and walked up to Alex's door.


We finally moved everything into my apartment, with the help of a few movers. Gemma sighed as she plopped down on my new couch. I was somewhat happy. I just had to find myself, get out of the mix of this shit with Rio. Pay him back and we're done for good my life can go back to normal. I smiled as Emma laid In my arms, her head rested on my shoulder as she slept. The girls poured themselves a drink I stood up to put Emma in her new crib that was in my room.

There was one more other room in my apartment, but it was left empty.

I walked back to where the girls were seated, having drinks, my phone rang.

"The pizza's here." I said.

"Good, I'm starving." Gemma said, Maya and Alex nodded in agreement. I pulled a twenty out of my back pocket and made my way to the out my apartment and downstairs to the entrance.

I observed the dark street, not seeing a delivery man. I decided to call his number back but he didn't pick up. I sighed. A car finally pulled up, the man got out the car and made his way over to me.

"Umm," he looked at the receipt and quickly back at me, "Twenty four eighty five," He said and looked up and down the street. I only had a twenty with me, on the phone they said it would be seventeen dollars.

"You sure that's right?" I asked.

He nodded, "It says it here on the receipt."

"I have to go get more money, i'll be to back, I apologize." He nodded, I turned about to head back up to my apartment immediately stopped by my hair being pulled, sending me on the ground.

"Hello, Bella? Is it? Someone misses you." He said. I tried getting up and running but he slammed me back into the ground, my head hitting it, hard. I grabbed onto the back if his neck and pulled him down with all force I had and threw weak hits as I felt myself losing consciousness. My eyesight began to become blurry, soon slipping into darkness.

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