Chapter 13

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Word count: 3,587

I sighed in relief once they left. I slowly turned and looked at all the girls. "You know this man?" Alex said.

"He knows Emma? Are you crazy?" Gemma added.

"What are you doing involved with him?" Maya added.

"Stop, just stop!" I said tears falling down my eyes. "Yes I know him, alright?"

"Bella what have you gotten yourself mixed up in? How do you know him?" Alex said worried.

"It was never intentional." I shook my head, reliving that night. "I was running that night a-and I ran into him and he and his men were burying bodies, I saw it and I had Emma with me so I guess he didn't want to kill me. He knocked me out with his gun." I said and continued, "I didn't go on vacation with Brian, I was kidnapped by him. He kept me for a little over three months which is why I never called." I said.

"We're so sorry we didn't know." Gemma said as tears fell from her eyes.

"But why were you running at night? With Emma, and why didn't Brian call us or anything?" Alex said.

I sighed, "I-i was running from Brian." I wiped my tears, knowing there were more to come. "He didn't call because," I paused. "He wouldn't have had an explanation, I was running from him."

"But why?" Maya said.

"He abuses me. Those bruises I had, they weren't from a fight I got in at the bar." I cried, I was weak and a liar to my friends and family. I felt like a piece of shit.

"And all those other unexplained bruises, sometimes even burns, was him?" Alex said. I nodded.

Tears fell from her eyes as she got up and made her way over to me and embraced me into a hug, making me break down. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you guys. If you're mad at me, I understand, I-i'll leave."

"No no. We're not mad at you honey, we understand this is hard to just tell someone." She said still hugging me, Gemma and Maya got up coming over Joining i'm on the hug. "We love you." Maya said.

"I love you guys." I mumbled.

"What the hell did you spend so much money on?" Alex asked, causing us to laugh, lighting up the mood.

"I rented a apartment out for a year, bought furniture and a car..." I said.

"And you?" she looked at Gemma.

"I rented an apartment also.. and bought Jocelyn a macbook.. and I bought myself a new phone, a new bed-"

"Okay, okay I think we get it." Alex laughed then sighed.

"Bella you aren't going back there tonight. Not until you move out." Alex said and I nodded.

"I'm moving out tomorrow, but I have to get Emma from the babysitter." I said and she nodded, "We'll go with you."

I smiled and nodded at the idea.


I opened the door, stepping in, Maya, Gemma and Alex following behind me. I gasped when I saw the sight of Brian on the couch. "Where have you been bitch-" He stopped once he notice who was with me.

"You're home." He said flatly and smiled.

I cringed at his bruised up face. "What happened you your face?" I asked.

"Ugly as hell," Gemma mumbled. She didn't really think that, she dated his brother.

"Your friend, he came and took Emma and payed the babysitter." He said as he held up an ice pack to his eye.

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