Chapter 20

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Word count: 822

I threw on a cropped shirt and some blacked ripped skinny jeans. I brushed my hair down and made my way out the door. I called out of work, I didn't feel like going. Or doing anything for that matter, so i'll just enjoy this day with Emma and chill.

I pulled up in front of Gemma's apartment building. I sent a text saying I was outside. Gemma came out the door, Jocelyn behind her holding Emma. I smiled at the sight, I missed Gemma too. I haven't seen her since my kidnaping, well my first one by Rio. I made my way to them and hugged Jocelyn. "Aunt Bella!" She said and squeezed me. I chuckled and Picked Emma up out of her arms.

"Mom can I go over Bella's house?" Jocelyn turned to Gemma, "Only if Bella let's you." She looked at me.

I smiled and nodded, "Of course."

I stood in the kitchen and prepared the things I needed for spaghetti. Jocelyn was with Emma in the living room.

I finished the spaghetti and prepared a plate for the girls and I, Emma's a little smaller portion.

"Guys come eat." Jocelyn Walked over, Emma following and made her way in front of me and reached up for me. I picked her up and sat her In her highchair. I sat Jocelyn's plate in front of her, I heard a knock at the door. I didn't give Emma her plate because I didn't want her to get too messy.

I made my way to the door, I heard the lock turn and the door open, his eyes instantly met with mines. He had Eddie, his arm slumped over his shoulder. My eyes widened once they traveled down, Eddie had blood pooling out, soaking his shirt.

I looked over at Jocelyn to see if she was looking but she wasn't. "Rio you can't be here, they can't see this." I whispered harshly.

"Relax sweetheart, I'm sure you can make some sort of excuse." He smirked.

"W-What happened to him, is he okay?" I said worriedly, he didn't look fine at all, he was almost unconscious.

"He'll be fine. My boy needs to lay low here for a couple of days." He said and made his way past me, holding Eddie up tightly, Eddie barely doing the walking. Rio had to be strong as hell.

Jocelyn now was looking over at us. I sighed. "Jocelyn you can eat in my room and use my laptop or watch tv."

"Is he alright?" she asked. I nodded, "Yeah he'll be fine." She nodded and picked up her plate and made her way into my bedroom.

I turned my attention back to Rio, Eddie now on the couch, sleep. "Rio he can't stay here-"

"It still hasn't clicked to you that I make the orders, not you. You work for me, remember? This is another one of your jobs." He cut me off.

He's such an fucking asshole, sometimes he made me so fucking pissed. "You didn't ask me." I spat.

"Who says I have to?" He smirked with a raised brow.

"Your face red as fuck," he said with that smug smirk still wiped across his face.

Emma began crying making grabby hands. I sighed and made my way over to her. I gave her her pacifier and she quieted down and rested her head on my shoulder. "You should really try getting her off those." He said.

"Now you're telling me how to raise my child? Fuck off."

He smirked, "Im just saying. Is she back on bottles?" I tried giving Emma bottles after I had saw her after Rio let me go and she never wanted them. Now I know why.

"No she isn't." She made grabby hands at Rio. He took her out of my arms, she was cranky her rocked her a little bit and kissed her forehead. Every time Rio interacted with Emma, i'd watch in awe, it was so precious to see her look at someone as a father figure because Brian never did. Even though the man she turned to wasn't ideal or I didn't really agree with, She looked at a killer, a drug dealer as her father. Rio is good with kids though. I wonder if he had any of his own.

"She's tired and she still hasn't ate and I haven't gave her a bath yet. She could've been done eating by now but you decided to show up." I sighed.

"I mean well you do work for me." He shrugged.

"What happened to him?" I asked.

"He got shot," he shrugged. "He'll be fine."

My eyes widened. "You brought him here and he was shot!? What if-"

"No ones coming sweetheart," he chuckled. "I'll be back to get him in a couple of days." He said and made his way to the door, and closing it after him.

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