Chapter 24

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Word count: 3,550

"Baby shh." I said as I rocked Emma. She kept yelling and crying.

"I want daddy." She said through her cries. She's been crying for Rio lately. As if we had shared custody, but we weren't even together.

"Daddy's busy." I said. I didn't know what Rio was doing to be completely honest. I never did.

I sat her down by her toys and made my way in the kitchen to fix her some scrambled egged for breakfast. Her cries were still heard through the apartment. I sighed again. This morning wasn't a good one. The life of a mom with a two year old.

I put the eggs on a plate and sat them to let them cool off and made my way back to Emma.

She was having a temper tantrum, throwing her toys.

"Emma!" I sighed in frustration and lowered my voice, "You don't throw things." I picked her up and carried her to the kitchen.

Her crying wasn't helping, I had a headache. I barely drank last night so it wasn't a hangover. The memories of last night flooded my mind. I wasn't drunk. I wasn't High. But I wanted him and I think I still do.

Her cries got lower and she rested her head on my shoulder. She was tiring herself out with all this crying even though she just woke up. I sat her in the high chair.

I felt the eggs and they were just warm. I place some eggs on the high chair and she began eating. I poured her some apple juice in a sippycup.

I walked to my room to check my phone.

4 miss calls
3 new messages.

I opened the message,

From Rio: Isabella
From Rio: What did I tell you about ignoring my calls?
From Rio: I will come over, I swear to god.

I rolled my eyes. I'm not obligated to text him back. I walked back into the kitchen because I didn't want to leave Emma in there eating alone.

I opened the message again and sent him one back.

To Rio: I'm not obligated to answer your calls. You don't need to come over.

From Rio: You work for me. You do have to answer my calls.

"This could've been avoided, Right?" I heard a voice, jumping and shrieked in response to it.

"Rio what the fuck, you can't do that!"

"And you don't just come into my house... i'm not even dressed." I sighed all I had on was a short tee shirt that showed a little bit of my belly and panties.

His eyes roamed my body. He licked his lips, "Nothing I haven't seen." He shrugged and brought his eyes back up to mines.

"T-that doesn't matter, it's called privacy. Learn some," I spat. "I'm going to put on something." I said lowly.

"You're fine like that sweetheart." He replied, I rolled my eyes and walked to my bedroom. I went into my closet and search for some pink shorts. I found some black ones that had the word pink written in white all over them.

I slid them on and made my way out my closet. He was standing in the doorway.

"You are such a creep." I said. He held Emma in his hands, she laid her head on his shoulder and hugged his neck.

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