Chapter 39

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Word count: 1,536

"Finally i'm able to talk to you alone. Where's Cesar?" Kenzie said.

I chuckled, "Well i'm busy Kenzie." Dad gave her the nick name Maze and she insisted on being called it. I've called her Kenzie since forever though. "I wouldn't know where Cesar is," I shrugged and took a sip of my drink.

"Doesn't he work for you?" She asked. "Finally happy to see my two big brothers made up and getting along."

"Oh I wouldn't say we're made up." I stared at her.

"Really? I'm sure you know deep down you're finally letting it go. Perhaps it's because you've finally moved on." She smirked.

I didn't say anything. Part of me still hated myself for caring about someone like that again, but I was beginning to accept it more.

"Well enough about that," She said and hopped off my counter. "I want you to know why i'm really here." She said and I raised my eyebrow.

"I thought you were here to stay-"

"I am, but that still doesn't change the reason why I'm truly here. I've been keeping tabs on Diego for a long time." She said.

"kenz, what did I tell you?" I spat.

"Maze." She said, correcting me sternly. But I rarely used the nickname dad gave her. "Well you may be my big brother but I'm not a little girl anymore. I don't have to always listen to you." She said.

"You know how dangerous this is! What if-" I was cut off.

"And yet you took over dad's business, you're one to talk. Don't treat me like you have to protect me all the time, like old times." She said with a hint of annoyance. "As I was saying; I've been watching Diego and it turns out he's working with Mateo and his crew."

I sighed, really? I had a hint I just hadn't did any digging because I was busy. "Tell me more." I said.

"Well, I don't think it's by choice, really. Our cousin is going to get himself killed Rio." She said and I sighed and gulped down my drink. I grabbed the bottle and poured another.

"See if I care." I shrugged and walked towards the big window of my loft staring out of it. She was quiet. I turned and looked at her, she almost looked as if she was going to cry. But truth is, I haven't seen Mackenzie cry in ages. She cleared her throat and shook her head.

"Well I do.." She said. My little sister was broken. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't but at least I could admit someone made it better. The things she, we went through as kids. Kenzie was a kid born in a whore house. I was eight when dad first came home with Kenzie. She was six at the time.

Since dad spent so much time training Cesar, me and Kenzie would be together the most, when dad wasn't taking me away to train me every day . He would take me once everyday to train me too. Even though he expected Cesar to take over when he was gone. But he would spend more time training Cesar. Sometimes they'd be gone all day and Cesar would come home tired and whining to mom. She just babied him, treated us like kids, not soldiers. He also took Cesar but more than once a day. You'd think this makes Cesar a better fighter than me. Don't get me wrong, he's a great one. But Cesar never wanted to do what dad forced him to do when he was little. Cesar just wanted to be a kid. But I had the dedication, wanted to make father proud. Cesar also left for college.

When dad told me and Cesar that we have a little sister that needed protecting, I protected her to the best of my ability. He had told me he saw her with a man who was trying to touch her even though she was no where near eighteen to be used yet. When dad told me this, as a kid I promised myself i'd never let anyone hurt her. He said Kenz told him her mama went away, a man took her. Mom just adored Kenzie. She was her first and only daughter. Dad made me swear to not tell mom where he found Kenzie from, "A man never breaks his word." He told me. And I always wanted to be a man and make dad proud. I never did tell mom but I wondered why he didn't want me to. I grew older and eventually found out what a whore house actually was. Dad was cheating on mom.

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