Chapter 76

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I'm finally done with the name editing of the entire book.

Word count: 6,261

He sucked softly on my neck as his hand traveled up my shirt. He left kisses on my neck then brought his lips up to mines. He attached my lips to his, slipping his tongue in my mouth.

He broke the kiss and I sat up and took my shirt off as he slipped out of his jeans. He locked eye contact with me and a smirk made its way to his face as he observed me up and down, "Come here." He beckoned me.

I crawled from the other side of the bed to the opposite where he stood, standing on my knees. He looked down at me and brought his hands to the back of my bra and unclipped it. I let it fall to the floor as he gripped my neck and brought his lips to mines. I laid back on the bed as he guided me to and hovered over me. He left kisses on my neck and traveled down to my chest before slipping a nipple in his mouth sucking softly. He continued leaving kisses on my stomach and then my thighs before slipping my panties off.

His hands left my legs and I heard a drawer open and a packet tear. I leaned up on my elbows watching him fiddle getting the condom open.

I let out a angry chuckle and snatched his shirt from the bed quickly and put it on. I retrieved my panties and stood up and slipped them up, "Isabella?" Rio called to me confused.

I looked over at him as he stood next to the bed in his boxers. I chuckled again and looked away from him, focusing my attention on the big window of the loft. I let out a sigh and began walking to the bathroom while fighting the tears, "Isabella, what's wrong?" He followed me in the bathroom.

I grabbed my hairbrush from the sink counter and brushed my hair into a low ponytail, ignoring him staring at me in the mirror with a confused look. I noticed he slipped a pair of sweat pants on.

"Nothing." I replied.

It hurt. I don't know if it was foolish of me to get upset at him for wanting to wear a condom but I don't care. He didn't bother using one before. I don't know, it just confirmed to me he really didn't want kids. No matter what he told me, he didn't want them as much as I do. It still hurt to have lost a child and him using a condom only made me think he never wanted it in the first place. That was fine that he doesn't, I guess. Then why are you upset?

He wrapped his arms around my waist and I felt his erection press against me, "You don't feel good?" He left a kiss on the top of my head.

I turned to him, leaning against the sink and smiled. I wasn't going to vocalize my feelings. I wasn't going to tell him why I actually got upset. "No, i'm fine." I pecked his lips and walked out of the bathroom. I sat on the bed and let out a sigh, I was actually getting sleepy.

"Then what happened?" He asked as he came out of the bathroom and sat on his side of the bed.

"Nothing happened." I replied as I played some game Emma downloaded on my phone.

He didn't reply for a while then he spoke up, "Well why'd you stop?"

I let out a sigh because I knew he wasn't going to drop it, "Why were you going to use a condom?" I asked him.

He was quiet for a minute, "Because baby, the birth control, you still got pregnant while on it."

"You think I don't know that?" I said. His answer was bullshit, "You used it because you don't want to have another baby. Which is fine but just don't lie to me. You told me you wanted kids with me but the way you reacted when you first found out I was pregnant said otherwise and then now that we've lost the baby, you're using protection. It makes me think you never even wanted it, like me losing it was weight lifted off your shoulders." I explained. When I got pregnant the idea of having a baby became something I wanted that I never thought about before while with Rio. Or at all. When I had Emma, it was unexpected and I never wanted anymore kids.

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