Chapter 46

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Word count: 1,283

"I love you Isabella."

The words replayed in my head like a broken record that i'd never get tired of. I smiled softly as I felt his grip tighten around my waist and a soft snore escaped his mouth.

"I love you Rio." I said while I still could before I got choked up. I pulled him closer to me and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me tightly. I missed him and his touch just as much. He left gentle kisses on my neck and ear, "I love you." He whispered again.

If I could chose a moment to replay as many times I wanted, i'd choose that.

Rio decided staying in a little later today, he's still asleep and I didn't wake him because he was really tired. Emma sat on the couch watching tv. It was currently ten. I wanted to fix some breakfast.

I slipped out of Rio's hold, causing him to stir. "Emma don't wake daddy." I said. She just nodded and continued watching her movie. I walked to the kitchen and searched the cabinets for bread. I got out butter, eggs, bacon, cinnamon, milk and sugar.

"Cookie?" Emma held up the pink frosted cookies with sprinkles. I took them out of her hand, "No baby mommy's cooking french toast." She pouted as I took the cookies out of her grasp.

The food was finished and I made Me a plate and Rio a plate and also Emma with just a little less food on it.

"Comon let's wake daddy up." I said and picked Emma up. "Daddy!" She shouted to the best of her ability and pointed.

I sat her down on the bed to do her thing and she began to do just that; jumping with all her force to wake up Rio. She always woke me up this way.

He groaned and once he finally was up he grabbed Emma and tickled her. Her giggles echoed throughout the loft. I smiled as she laughed uncontrollably. Rio let her go and she got off the bed, "eat eat," She said and ran. I chuckled and my eyes landed on Rio. I sent him a smile. He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to the bed. He pecked my lips a few times. He continued to kiss me and I almost let it continue but I made breakfast and I'm starving. "Nope, I made breakfast." I pulled away from him as he squeezed my ass.

He nodded, "What'd you make ma?"

"French toast, eggs and bacon." I replied. "Let's go, Emma started eating without us." I chuckled.


We all finished eating and Emma and I sat cuddled on the couch watching a Disney movie. Rio went to take a shower and get ready.

He came out fully dressed. He pecked my lips and gave Emma a kiss. "Im headed out, I'll call you."

"Why won't you take me with you? You never had a problem with doing it before." I said because I did want to go with him, I didn't want to stay in his loft all day.

He sighed, "What about Emma?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "That never stopped you from taking me with you either. You would just drop her off at Alex's." I crossed my arms. There was something he wasn't telling me.

"I know, but I just want you to stay home and get rest. It's our second day back and you were just kidnapped." He said.

I rolled my eyes. "Well I don't want to stay here all day."

"Well you are, end of discussion." He said and started making his way to the door.

"End of nothing," I wanted to cuss but I also didn't want to seem mad especially in front of Emma. Although I was.

"What if I want to take Emma to the park?" I said in a annoyed tone.

"Then take her to the fucking park, fine. I'm sending one of my guys over here to watch everything and make sure nothing happens." I scoffed at his response, "Seriously? Now I have to be watched? You've got to be kidding me."

"You're the one who complained about not wanting to stay in the house Isabella. If you want to go out, one of my guys will be with you. Whether you like it or not it's for you and Emma's safety."

I sighed that's not even what I wanted. I didn't even really want to go out I just wanted to go with him.

"Give me a break, You're dating me for god's sake. Sorry to burst your bubble but your life is no longer normal nor is it safe for you to be out alone anymore so forgive me for making one of my guys go with you." He said. Great now he's shouting at me. "I'll see you later." He said and left out. I definitely upset him. He had such a short temper. But it wasn't as short as Brians. He would get so mad at me for simple things that he'd beat me. Things like not having dinner done when he got home. Talking back.

I huffed. I guess I might as well get dressed, there's nothing here to do.


I took Emma to the park, then I took her over Gemma's. She and Jocelyn has been asking to see her. Just like Rio told me, a guy has been following us everywhere.

"There my favorite niece is!" Gemma smiled widely at Emma who smiled back and ran to her.

"Girl, I know you told me you were going on a trip but I didn't know it was that long of a trip. Where'd you guys go and how was it?" She said. I tell Gemma everything, and I didn't plan on keeping it a secret I was kidnapped, I just never got around to telling her.

"We went to Chicago, It was work related. Rio had business to handle there. The trip did end up being a few days longer because-you can't tell Alex this but, I was kidnapped.

Her mouth dropped, "Are you okay?" She questioned worriedly.

I nodded. "The lady didn't hurt me. I don't think she really wanted to." I said. She wanted closure and she thought revenge would get her that closure.

"Wait, Eddie told me he was going on a trip to handle business, was he with you guys?" She asked.

I nodded. "I thought the trip you told me about was for just you and Rio, so Eddie went along, didn't bring me, and didn't tell me my sister got kidnapped!?" She said.

Oh shit. I forgot about Eddie not telling her.

"You're still keeping Emma for tonight right?" I asked, she nodded.

"Okay bye, bye baby. Mommy loves you." I kissed Emma and gave her a hug.
Gemma began dialing someone, probably Eddie.


I just watched tv and then showered. I thought about the disagreement we had, I was just being annoying. The door finally did click and opened. I smiled as I saw him walk in. He sighed as I watched him take his gun out and sit it down on the coffee table.

I walked over to him and hugged him. "I'm sorry for being so difficult. I know you just want me to be safe." I said and stood on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek.

I leaned in and placed his lips on mines. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer into him.

"I love you." I pulled away so I can tell him.

"And I love you. You know I gotta keep you safe."

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