Chapter 33

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Word count: 1,045

"Someone has to be helping him, he can't be hiding this well." I sighed frustratedly. "You guys said you talked to his friend?" I asked looking over to Nasir and Cesar.

"Yeah we did, we roughed him up a bit- a lot and he still didn't speak I don't think he knows anything." Nasir said.

"He said he hadn't spoke to Brian in almost a year." Cesar said.

I looked down checking my watch, "Fuck." I said and stood up making my way to the front door.

"Where are you going?" Eddie said.

"To follow Isabella to work." I replied and he nodded and Nasir let out a sigh.

"Nasir," I looked over to him. He was always my best man when it came to finding people.

He made eye contact with me to indicate he was listening. "Find him." I said.

He nodded, "I always do." He smiled.

Eddie mention to me how Vincent felt about Leo's death. Honestly I could give two fucks. I would never kill my own men. Especially my right hand men, but if someone double crosses me I won't hesitate to put a bullet in their head. What Leo did wasn't okay. He was a mole. Vincent can think i'll kill him or Nasir, or Eddie but as long as he doesn't double cross me, or do some fucked up shit, he has nothing to worry about. I didn't mention to him what Eddie told me. I want to see how he moves. What he does first.


I drove past Isabella's apartment building, I didn't see her car but I was a little late she probably was at her job already. I pulled off heading to the diner. Following Isabella not only protected her, but I could most likely find Brian easier that way. I'm surprised he hasn't came for her yet, I guess he's finally playing smart.

I didn't see her car parked outside the diner either. I got out and walked in the diner, empty with a few people like it was the last time I was here. I looked over to the man, "Where's Isabella?" I said.

He looked at me and raised his eyebrows. "And who are you?" He said.

"Just fucking tell me where she is." I demanded.

"Look, I don't know what she's gotten herself into but Isabella quit a few weeks ago." He said. I walked out of the diner and got back in my car. I pulled my phone out and sent her a text.

To Isabella: Where are you?

She replied right away; From Isabella: At Alex's

To Isabella: Always tell me when you leave your apartment.

From Isabella: Why?

She put a laughing emoji at the end, what the fuck was funny?

To Isabella: Tell me when you're ready to leave, i'm going to pick you up.

My phone began ringing, I tapped the green button.

"Hi." She said.

I chuckled, "Hello sweetheart." I said.

"Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"I have my car so you don't need to pick me up." She said.

"Well I am. Tell me when you're leaving." I said sternly.

"What about my car?" She whined.

I huffed in response. "I can get it for you just call me, okay?" She was quiet for a few seconds then replied a quick 'kay'


I leaned against my car as I waited for her to come out of Alex's house. The door opened and she came out, Alex followed behind. "Why are you going with him?" She asked.

"Has a job for me." Isabella replied and walked over to me.

I opened the door for her and she got in. I walked around to the driver's side and got in.

"So, why are you picking me up?" She asked.

"A field. Now shh, I need to think." I knew she was going to ask where we're headed sooner or later.


I parked the car, got out and walked to the side Isabella was on and opened the door. "Where are we?" She questioned as she looked around. We were in the middle of nowhere. I opened the glove compartment and got a a gun, it was another one of mines.

I held it out for her to grab it. "What?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"I'm going to teach you how to shoot." I replied to her confusion.

She hesitantly grabbed the gun, "Rio I-"

"You asked me to teach you how to defend yourself, this is one way to. Anyone can pick up and shoot a gun but not everyone hits what they're aiming for." I said. "So, I'm going to teach you how to shoot." I explained.

I took my gun out and slid the clip out checking to make sure it was full. I slid the clip back in and raised my gun and shot the glass bottles one by one.

I turned to her and she looked at me with her mouth slightly parted, "Wow, you're good.." She looked back all the nonexistent bottles.

I chuckled as I walked over and set new ones back up. I walked over to Isabella.

"This," I showed her the gun, "means safety on, and this means the safety's off." I said as I turned the safety off. She nodded in response as she watched closely.

"You have to be careful, it'll push you back with force, it even knocks some people on their ass. You'll eventually learn how to stay steady once you're use to the force. Now, try to shoot one of the bottles." I said.

She nodded and aimed her gun. I made my way and stood behind her. I placed my hands on her hips and said in her ear, "Do it." She tensed at my touch then sighed and soon relaxed.
She pressed her finger and pulled the trigger, the loud noise traveled throughout the field. The force pushed her back but was suppressed by me standing behind her, holding her.

"I did it!" She said happily once she saw what was left of the bottle, shattered pieces of brown glass.

I chuckled, "Yeah but you still need more practice. Come on, do the other ones." I said to her. She nodded, turned and aimed.

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