Chapter 80

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Word count: 5,579

We arrived at our hotel yesterday, but we were both too tired to explore, or do anything. We stayed in our first night here and just watched movies. Little does she know, when she fell asleep I made a trip to the store.

Now, we are walking the streets of Alaska. We're in Alyeska, Alaska. She looked happy. All I ever try is to make her happy, I try my best. She's had a hard life with and without me.

"Look, it's so beautiful." Isabella stared at the beautiful northern lights in awe, but my attention wasn't on some lights in the sky, it was on her. Watching her this happy was all I could ask for. I was ready to give her everything she wanted, everything she should've had.

She held my hand as we walked to the beach. On our way she dragged me multiple places that caught her attention. Her eyes lit up once she saw the beach up ahead. She pulled me along with her as she ran towards the beach. I chuckled, "Relax baby, the beach isn't going anywhere." The hotel we stayed in had a beach close to it. It was at least forty degrees. I wasn't sure why she insisted on coming to the beach.

She stopped once her feet touched the sand, "I haven't been to a beach in forever," she smiled widely as she stared at the dark ocean, the only light was the moon.

I wrapped my arms around her waist, hugging her from the back, my chin resting on top of her head. I kissed her head, "I love you." I whispered.

"I love you more," she turned to face me, the smile never leaving her face. I brought her lips to mines, slipping my tongue in, pressing it against hers.

We made our way back to the hotel. I carried her to our room once we got out of the elevator because she complained about waking too much, that her feet "Hurt like a bitch," she told me.

She had her arm securely wrapped around my neck. I sat her down once I got the door open. I heard a gasp escape her mouth and I smirked in response.

She squealed and ran over to the bed where a bouquet of red roses sat that spelled out her name in white roses. A box of chocolates sat next to them and her favorite fruit; watermelon, were cut into flowers in a bowl on top. She grabbed the fruit immediately and took a bite of the flower shaped fruit. "What did I do to deserve all of this," I heard her say to herself as she stared at the roses in awe.

I smiled and snaked my arms around her waist, "You're my girl. This is nothing," I said.

"Nothing? I beg to differ." She chuckled. I unwrapped my arms from around her.

I grabbed the small velvet box from my pocket and got down on one knee. "I really do love it. I love you-" She turned to face me and a gasp escaped her mouth as she looked down at me.

"Isabella, I don't know where to start, but I can start by saying thank you. Thank you for never giving up on me, always being there for me and making me fall in love with you. I thank you everyday for the happiness you and Emma bring me. I always question how you and I crossed paths, how I'm so lucky to have you. I love you and I always will. Will you-"

"Yes!" She squealed happily and hugged me tightly and quickly. I chuckled as I fell to the floor, lying on my back with her on top of me.

Tears slipped from her eyes, "Stop crying baby," I chuckled and brought my hand up to wipe away the tears.

She sniffled and sat up, straddling my lap. "I just, I'm so happy with you. I thank you too because a few years ago, I thought i'd never be able to be this happy, but you proved me wrong in so many ways."

I sat up from the floor as she remained on my lap. I pecked her lips, "I love you for eternity."


"I have to tell Gemma, and Maze and Elle. Oh my god, I can't believe I'm getting married." Isabella rambled while laying on her back on the bed.

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