Chapter 8

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Word count: 1,205

I woke up, realizing I had fell asleep under the bed. I slipped from under the bed quietly. I stood on my feet and observed the bed. My heart sank when I noticed who was in be with him. Melissa. My friend from work. How long has this been going on? She's seen brian before so she knows what she's doing and who he is to me.

I just shook my head in disbelief and creeped out of the room. I went to fetch my phone I had stupidly left when I ran from Brian. It felt weird to be home, I didn't even sleep in my own bed, well I slept under it.

I plugged my phone in and waited for it to get some juice, I'm sure my sisters are worried sick.

When it finally did come on I was bombarded with messages from my big sisters Gemma and Alex and their friend Maya.

She reads some of them and they said they were going to the cops. Bella sighed and face palms. The cops must be looking for her, she had to call them.

She called whoever contact came first, which was Gemma's. "Bella!" She screamed into the phone. Worry and anger filled Gemma's voice. "What the fuck!? Are you okay?" She said and Bella sighed. "Yes i'm fine Gemma, I should have told you, but Brian and I went on a small vacation trip and he made me promise no cellphones and I forgot to tell you guys before I went on the trip," She lied and shook her head. She wanted to tell Gemma but couldn't because she knew she'd want to go to the cops. She hated lying to her sisters or even Maya because she knew they were close and told each other everything.

"Spread the word yeah?" Bella asked. She heard Gemma sigh on the other end, "Yeah i'll tell Alex and Maya. We called the cops, I'll let them know you're alright." She said. "Thanks Gemma. I love you." Bella said. "Love you more, bye." They ended their conversation.

Bella heard footsteps began to come downstairs. She made sure she was in a part in the kitchen where you couldn't really see her from the living room, she wanted to face Melissa at work tomorrow.

She heard them exchanged byes then the door shut. She sat on the counter with a cup of tea. Brian began to make his way in the kitchen. Once he saw her he jumped back and gasped, Bella smiled as she sipped her tea at his reaction. "What are you doing here?" He said. Brian was sober, she thought. He still did put his hands on her sometimes when he was sober but he wasn't as worse or stronger than when he's drunk. But still strong enough to hurt her, she thought.

"Bringing girls home? Where our daughter sleeps and your girlfriend?" Bella questioned. He rolled his eyes.

"Like you give a damn who I sleep with." He chuckled.

"Well considering how badly you treat me, you make it very hard for me to." She snarled.

"And our daughter? Who the fuck are you involved with Bella? That fucking gangbanger dude had our daughter." This surprised Bella. He knew who Chris was? She thought. He saw Chris with Emma? She thought again.

"Yeah he had her in a fucking grocery store with him and he put a gun to me when I claimed she was mines." He said after Bella remained silent.

"I'm not involved with him, Brian. We're friends and I just let her stay with him because I needed to get my head straight when I ran away from you so I asked him to keep Emma." She lied, patting herself on the back, she was beginning to get good at this considering she was going to be working with gang friend, she had to.

"Besides don't call her our daughter because she's been on this earth two years and what, 5 months of you acting like a father went by until you decided it wasn't for you. You neglected our daughter. She's terrified of you because of what's she seen you do to me. No two year old should see that, no kid should see that happen to their mother. You told me abort her when we first found out." Bella said proud she finally got to tell Brian off. Although she knew his temper wasn't as bad when he was sober, it was still bad.

He ignored what she said, still on the gang friend subject, "So if you aren't involved with him, where did you stay for these past months?" He said.

"Somewhere." She answered. "How did you know he was involved with gangs? I didn't even know that." She lied, she was beginning to become a natural at this.

Brian was quiet for a minute. "I tried to pay some other guys to kill him it turns out they knew each other and were all in a gang." Brian answered quietly, clearly humiliated.

Bella laughed at him. He glared at her, his eyes having that dark look they'd get when he beat her. Bella's heart beat fast. She was about to get off the counter and make a run for it but he had already made his way towards her and grabbed her.

He slammed her into the counter and bent her over pinning her arms behind her back and pushing her face against the counter with his free hand. "You find something funny? Because I don't."

He grabbed her arm, still holding the other one and forcing it to go against the hot tea pot. Bella resisted as much as she could but he was too strong, like always she thought. She was weak. She thought. A weak fragile girl that can't defend herself. She cried not because she was being hurt, because she was ashamed of herself that she was weak and couldn't defend herself. It made her sick.

He finally got her hand and pressed it against the pot, resulting in Bella letting out a piercing scream. He then turned her around and chocked her. "You haven't had some fresh bruises in quite a while have you?" He smirked. She tried saying something but couldn't, considering her airway was being blocked.

"What was that darling? I can't hear you due to the uhm, let me see what you're trying to say," He let her neck go.

"You disgust me." She said in exasperated breaths. He slapped her across the face, hard. He then punched her mouth, causing blood to spill from the corner of her mouth. He then let her go and she fell to the floor.

"Maybe next time, you'll think about what you say to me bitch." He said and left.

Bella laid there for some time but eventually got up knowing she had to clean herself up and get Emma when she wakes up. She hissed as she dabbed a warm rag on her mouth. After cleaning her face up, she got some ice for her hand and hissed. It looked bad, really bad.

She sighed and headed upstairs to see if Emma was up.

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