Chapter 5

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Word count: 1,248

"Daddy," Emma eyes watered as she held her arms out to me. I picked her up and kissed her forehead as she clinged onto me.

"I'll be back later," I said. Maybe it was the way she warmed up to me that reminded me of Zoë and because she was abandoned by a parent too.

She shook her head. "Noo," her small cries were heard as I handed her to Ana. I walked out and made my way downstairs. Nasir and Vincent sat waiting.

"Let's go," I said as I made sure my gun was loaded. The little girl was a spitting image of her mother, except the blonde hair. She probably got that from that blond haired bitch, Brian. I got in my car, waiting for them to get in before pulling off.

I pulled up, My headlights shining directly at the group of men standing around, It was dark but you could still make out the surroundings with the help of the headlights, It was in the back of an empty abandoned building.

There were three of his men and him. Vincent, Nasir and I walked up to them. I held my gold and black gun in my hand. Once I got closer I recognized one of the men. That pussy from the grocery store, "T-that's the man who has my daughter." He said nervously said and pointed at me while looking back and forth at me and Mateo. "Where's Bella? Where's my girlfriend!"

"Chris has your daughter?" Mateo said then turned to me, "Brian here tried to pay us to kill you and get his daughter back." I chuckled once Mateo said that, and relieved honestly because If this guy did turn out to be involved with Mateo's gang, it would have been bad. There was a treaty and I didn't plan on breaking it yet.

"Oh that's your name? What a small world, Brian." I smirked. I already knew his fucking name, I had Easton run a background check on him. Easton was fbi, but he and I are very close and he's been helping me for years. Once he noticed that Mateo and his men weren't going to do the job, he backed away then took off running. I just laughed. Mateo watched him as he ran. "Should've chased him." I smirked.

Mateo shrugged and flagged his hand, "Not much he can do, let him run. What are you doing with his daughter, Chris?"

"I don't." I chuckled.

Mateo just shook his head and chuckled. He and his men walked away to their cars. We walked back to mines and drove off.

Nasir and Vincent went home. I walked up to my door I noticed it was a little cracked open. My mind immediately went to Emma. I took my gun out and walked in slowly. I walked further in the living room seeing Emma sitting on his lap. She saw me and her eyes lit up. I put my gun away. "Daddy!" She climbed off his lap and ran to me.

A smile made its way to my face as I bent down and hugged her before picking her up.

"Damn It's been long, you had a kid and everything, I never got a call." Cesar smirked.

"Not exactly," I said. "Why are you here? After all these years, why now?"

"Well, I'm done not being involved, I want in." He said.

"Oh, college didn't work out too well, you know this all would've been left to you if you didn't tell Dad you wanted to go to college and become, what was it? 'Someone successful who made clean money not dirty money." I scoffed at my older brother. It wasn't the fact that he wanted to go to college. It was how he worded it, as if he was too good for it all. He left this responsibility to me.

"Look, You have to understand I didn't want any part of what dad was doing." He said.

"Yeah and I didn't either. According to dad I wasn't good enough or trusted enough." I chuckled. I didn't want this shit, I never did. I always wanted to stay in the house and play with Kenzie while Dad and Cesar played with guns. Cesar did enjoy all the things our father did with him, he spent more time with Cesar. It wasn't until when Cesar got older that he started vocalizing what he wanted.

"What is going on in your office, I went in there looking for you but I kept hearing screams.. it sounded like they were saying help." He asked.

"It's this little one's mother." I said to Cesar, his eyes widened.

"Mommy?!" Emma squealed. I sat her down to let her go play.

"Damn what did she do, cheat on you?" He asked causing me to chuckle, he's got it all wrong.

"Emma isn't my daughter, I kidnapped her mother and she had Emma with her. Emma only started calling me her dad a few days ago, She hasn't seen her mother for about three months." I said, letting out an inaudible breath as I watched Emma play.

I honestly didn't know what to do with the mother. I would normally kill, but they're both innocent and don't deserve to be taken away from each other. She saw something she wasn't supposed to. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But if i'm being completely honest, her seeing the bodies isn't just what made me keep her and not let her go. She's beautiful and she intrigued me the moment I put her in that car after knocking her out. Fucking insane, I know. I couldn't take my eyes off her and I couldn't stop feeling guilty. She had fear and worry in her eyes, she was clearly running from something or someone, Brian.

"You're attached to her, you care about the child." Cesar said, snapping me out my thoughts.

"I'm not," I said a little too sternly.

"You do. I saw how worried you were when you came in and you feel bad for keeping her away from her mom." He said, reading me as if i'm some open book.

He chuckled, "I might haven't seen you in a while but i'm your older brother, I know you Rio." He said and patted my shoulder. "The tough guy act may work with everyone, but I know you still have a conscience. You know what to do." His eyes met with mines. I hated him and I hated how he was always right.

I stayed silent not knowing what to say. "Well I have to go, Call me." He said and walked towards the door. "Bye Emma!" He shouted.

"Bye." Her little voice beamed through the house.

He had some nerve showing up here, why the fuck would I call him? I sighed, drowning in my thoughts. I probably was a better to Emma in three months than Brian ever attempted to be. She was afraid of him, obviously. She was smart for a kid her age.

I received a text from rom Ana: "Your brother cesar? he told me i could go home if you were wondering what happened or where i was. text me if you need me"

I really wasn't wondering but alright. I thought. I just left the Message as it was, not responding. She was trying too hard to make us something and I just wasn't interested.


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