Chapter 27

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Word count: 2,179

I sat at the table with Gemma and Noah. We were at a restaurant, nothing fancy just a place to eat.

Noah and Gemma chatted while I became lost in my thoughts. I still had money from the jobs I did for Rio but I didn't have a job. I needed to find one.

Gemma's eyes stared past me, I turned around and I saw Eddie. His gray eyes stared at Gemma. He looked upset.

Gemma sighed, "I'll be back." She said and stood out her seat making her way over to him. I watched the two as they talked. They seemed to go at it for a while. I finished my food, me being the nosy person I am, I decided to see what was going on.

"I'll be back." I said to Noah and stood up leaving before he could say anything.

"I told you, he's sketchy." Eddie said.

"You've been following me?!" Gemma said with shock.

He sighed, "Look I just don't trust him. Rio thinks it also." Eddie said.

"And what exactly did Rio say?" I spoke up.

Gemma and Eddie turned and looked at me, "He just thinks someone sent him here." Eddie said and turned his attention back to Gemma. He grabbed her hand, "I just care about you." He said.

"Let me get this straight." She paused. "You think Noah," She pointed behind her. "A British guy, from the uk," She put emphasis on the uk part, "Is involved with whatever shit you and Rio are involved in?" Gemma said.

"He's from the uk?" Eddie asked.

"You shouldn't assume stuff before asking and confirming you're right," She said annoyed and sighed, "Bella I'm ready to go, get Noah?" I nodded and headed back to the table.

"Noh let's go." His eyes met mines and he ended his call and nodded. I made my way back to where Gemma and Eddie were standing.

"I'll see you tonight?" He said to Gemma and she rolled her eyes and nodded. He leaned in and pecked her on her lips. She walked over to us. Eddie eyed Noah and left out the other way.

"Jeez, what's his problem?" Noah said.


It's been weeks since I've talked to Rio. If I was being honest, I missed him. Not just his touch, his smart remarks and the glares he'd give me when I said something stupid. As much as I wanted out, I missed the Jobs. They made me feel different, like the thought of getting caught was scary but it did make my life less boring. Honestly I missed him.

"What you thinking about?" Gemma said pouring her a drink.

I shook my head, "Gemma is there any way Eddie could get me to Rio?" I said. Of course I could call him and he'd answer my call but there was no chance in hell he'll take me to Rio. I'm sure Rio told him he was done with me.

"I don't think so, Eddie's really serious about the places he goes. Like he doesn't tell me, but he says it's not because he doesn't trust me he just wants me to be safe." I nodded. "So yeah I don't really know where he goes when he's going to work." She said, putting emphasis on '
work. "Actually we're supposed to meet for lunch, I have to go soon." She said and a idea popped in my mind.

"Gemma!" I said. She looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"Could you please do me a favor?"

"Yeah, of course.." She trailed off.

"Could you call Eddie and tell him you can't meet him or something came up or something?"

"What, why?"

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