Chapter 2

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Word count: 1,421

I bounced Emma to try to get her to calm down so I can finish the food. I checked the time, it was five-thirty, Brian would be home at seven. I still have to feed Emma and give her a bath. I sighed as I fed her some mac and cheese. Then I still had to fix dinner for Brian. He was picky about his food, he didn't like the mac and cheese I made for Emma, he liked baked mac and cheese.

After she was done eating I took her upstairs, gave her a bath and dressed her in a baby blue matching pj set with long sleeves and white clouds scattered over them.

I checked the time, this time it read 6:31. I made my way downstairs with Emma still in my hands. I sat her down and she began crying. I spoiled her, but what choice did I have? No one else would. I sighed as I checked the meatloaf, it was finished. I didn't have time to sit here and make mashed potatoes in less than thirty minutes.

I checked the fridge for some microwaveable ones. I threw them in the microwave and got started on the broccoli, I didn't have any frozen broccoli. Brian would complain if I made frozen broccoli anyways. The mashed potatoes got finished and I hurried and put them in the bowl and threw the microwaveable one out, he'd be upset if he found out. I put meatloaf and potatoes on his plate and waited for the broccoli. I prayed it got finished quicker as Emma continued to cry. I went over and picked her up.

I heard the locks turning, my heart rate quickened its pace. He came in and closed the door. I watched him as he's dropped his keys and took his jacket off. I tapped my foot nervously because the broccoli wasn't done. He walked into the kitchen where I waited for him, our daughter still in my hands.

He sat down, "Is dinner finished?" he asked.
"Almost... the broccoli is almost finished." I said. I got him a glass of juice and poured it. It was grape, his favorite. He stared at the juice for a moment. I already knew I was fucked once I saw him bite down on his bottom lip.

He picked the glass up and threw it, shattering it into a million pieces. This woke Emma up and she started crying again. She had just went to sleep, I was going to take her upstairs after finishing Brian's plate.

"I don't want that," he said sternly, "I want a beer, get me a beer!" He shouted, causing me to jump.
"And shut that kid up please." He sighed.

"Your kid," I corrected. I didn't like the way he acknowledged her, or didn't. As if she wasn't his. "She was sleeping until you threw the glass and woke her up." I whispered.

"What was that? What did you say to me bitch?" He stood up.

"I-i just was saying she was asleep before you threw the glass.." A tear slipped from my eye. "She's been fussing for a while and she finally went to sleep."

He made his way over to me, I hugged Emma hoping he wouldn't hit me because our child was in my arms. He punched me. I fell, trying my best not to hurt Emma. She cried more. "Run baby, Hide and seek." I said. She ran out of the kitchen, I was glad she listened. She didn't need to see her mother getting beat. She was young, but very advanced for her age. I taught her that game, not for the right reason. Kids play hide and seek to have fun but my kid plays it to protect herself from her daddy.

He kicked my rib cage and pulled me by my hair. He stood me up by my hair and slapped me. "Don't ever talk back to me. I work everyday, I come home tired. You think I want shit from you?" I nodded just wanting this to end. He pushed me with all force, sending me back to the floor. I fell back on my butt, hard. The pain never stopped hurting, I just expected it. I felt it everyday, whether it was my lip hurting when I talk or my side hurting from being kicked too hard way too may times.

I pushed myself to stand up, My palms now in the glass from his cup that he threw. "I-i'm gonna go get Emma ready for a bath and bed." I lied, I already gave her a bath. He didn't say anything else.

As soon as I got to the stairs I rushed to find Emma. I didn't have much time. I ran to the bathroom and opened the doors under the sink and saw Emma hiding. Her big eyes lit up at the sigh of me, she climbed out and wrapped her small arms around my neck. Tears slipped from my eyes as I hugged her tightly. I picked her up. "You did good baby, you did good." I whispered and ran the tub water. "Now I need you to be quiet okay?" I looked into her big hazel eyes. She nodded.

I went to her room and grabbed the bag from under her bed. I been had planned to do this, running away. I put on her a sweater and picked her up. It's just, I wasn't completely ready. I was nowhere near ready. I didn't even have any money or a place to stay. I could always go over my sisters but I was always too embarrassed to tell them that my relationship was shit, I kept protecting him thinking it would get better but it didn't. Besides, they had their own families.

I got halfway to the hallway then Emma said, "Mommy blankie.." She whispered. I sighed and hurried back into her room. At least she knew to be quiet. I sat her down and searched for her blanket. I spotted it near a pile of her stuffed animals. I got her pink blanket and picked her back up.

I turned and was about to make my way out the door. My heart pounded.

"Going somewhere?" Brian said. I sat Emma down on the bed and gave her her binky, I know she's two and too old for them and bottles but I haven't really tried getting her off them. After all she had a hard life. He came towards me and I grabbed the closest thing to me. I picked up the lamp and it shattered all over his head.

He fell, groaning. I grabbed Emma and ran fast downstairs. I just ran, I had no plans where to go. It was dark. I was lost, in the woods. I cried and kept running. I looked behind me to see if I saw Brian. I didn't check to see if he even followed me out, but I didn't see him behind me. I suddenly came in contact with something or someone. I looked in front of me there was a tall man. I was so happy to see him.

"P-please y-you have to help me my-" I noticed it wasn't just this man, but he had two others with him. It looked like there were graves dug and it looked as if they had a body they were carrying to fill up the other grave. The tall man in front of me looked at Emma then his eyes met mines. I watched his hands, noticing he had a gun in one. His hands traveled to my waist then he traveled the gun to my lower back. My heart thumped as I stood frozen.

He grabbed Emma out of my arms. Tears began to spill. Why was he taking her? I wanted to grab and hug my baby so badly. I reached for her, but he pressed the gun into me even harder. I felt pressure on my head, I knew this feeling, I was about to lose consciousness. It happened to me way to many times to not recognize it; a lot of times when Brian is choking me he doesn't stop until I pass out.

I couldn't keep my eyes open and I so desperately wanted to so I could make sure that my daughter was safe, but it was now out of my hands as I slipped into darkness.


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