Chapter 69

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Word count: 5,356

I let out a huff as I stood up from the bed. It was almost midnight, Isabella still wouldn't talk to me once we got home.

I walked downstairs and saw her laying on the couch. She was sleep with a pillow on top of her and hugging another. I grabbed the blanket from the other couch and spread it across her.

I let out a smile and leaned down and left a kiss on the side of her head. I walked back upstairs and got in bed and tried forcing myself to sleep.

I opened my eyes after ten minutes of lying there doing completely nothing.

Fuck it.

I opened drawer to my nightstand and rolled a joint.

After I finished smoking I went back downstairs. I slipped the blanket off of her and picked her up bridal style. I walked back upstairs to our room and laid her in bed. I saw a small smile that she tried hiding make its way to her face. I smiled and pecked her forehead. I got in bed and pulled her to my chest. "I love you."


"You're pregnant?!" Gemma said loudly causing me to shush her immediately. I left the house early today and i've been over Gemma's all day.

She grabbed Emma and sat her on her lap.

I nodded, "Don't tell Eddie yet, okay? We're not sure if we're keeping it."

"I'm sure Rio has told him. Those two are inseparable." She said and I laughed and nodded.

"But what do you mean? You guys don't want to have the baby?"

I shook my head, "No, I do but-"

"I'll kill him." She stood up and sat Emma down.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"No way you're actually considering getting rid of the baby because he doesn't want it." She looked down at me.

I gulped, "You can't be serious Bella." I mean at first I was because I thought he wouldn't want it. But from my understanding he does want the baby but he's scared the baby won't be safe.

"No, it's not that. He wants this baby as much as I do but..we both don't think it's the best idea to have another kid, you know because of his job." I explained as she walked to the kitchen.

She sighed and nodded, "That's understandable, but you guys have Emma." She said as she sat back down with now a cup of juice.

"I know but I had Emma before we met. This time we kinda have a choice you know?"

She nodded, "Rio will always make sure you guys are safe. I see the way he looks at you, he really loves and adores you."

I smiled and nodded. He was the main one scared. Of course I always had that worry in the back of my head but, no one really knew about Emma and I right? I mean Mateo and his men did but they're dead. And I haven't been in any danger for a long time, no one knows where our house is. But I know I need to prepare for losing Rio. There was always a possibility that I could.

He's in danger every single day and what if something happens to him? This baby won't grow up with a father. Emma would cry her eyes out if I told her Rio was gone and that he'd never come back.

"What are you thinking?" Gemma pulled me from my thoughts.

"What if I lose him?" The thought alone made me want to curl up into a ball and disappear. The feeling I felt when Eddie told me he got shot, I didn't know how to respond. It felt like my whole world was gone in a second.

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