Chapter 41

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Word count: 1,334

"Sweetheart," I heard a voice in my ear as I was being shook lightly. I groaned, annoyed that I was being woken up from my sleep, and it was a good one. "Baby we have to go." I heard Rio speak again and he still shook me lightly.

I groaned, "Let me just sleep a little more."

He was quiet and I smiled that I had got my way and relaxed to fall back to sleep. I felt the covers being pulled from me and I groaned and held on to them, it was chilly. I frowned as we fought for the blankets. He obviously won because I had just woke up, so I was weak. Rio was strong as hell anyways. I huffed and made his shirt that I wore stretch to cover my entire curled up body.

I heard him chuckled, "Come on Isabella, we'll be on the plane. You can sleep on there."

I huffed and opened my eyes. He smiled and pecked my lips, "Get ready, we're waiting for you." He said.

"We?" I said sleepily as I raised my eyebrow.

"Mmh, Me, Emma and Eddie." He said and I nodded.

I found a pair of shorts and slid them up my bare legs and looked over at the bed where Rio's hoodie lies. I took his shirt off and pulled the hoodie over me. I combed through my hair and brushed my teeth. I made my way out of my bedroom and into the living room where I saw Eddie and Emma sitting on Rio's lap.

"Mommy's awake!" Emma said once she saw me.

"Let's go," Rio said and stood up.

Eddie hugged me, "Hey Bella." He sent me a smile.

I returned the hug, "Hey Eddie."


Once Rio stopped the car, I saw the plane but we weren't at the airport. "You have your own jet?" I asked.

He chuckled, "No I rented it it'll just be us, the rest of the guys and Maze and Eve." He said and I nodded.

He opened the door for me, Eddie was carrying Emma. Rio held my hand as I followed behind him and we walked towards the plane. We made our way up the small stairs and into the plane. "I'll be back i'm getting our bags." Rio said.

I nodded and observed the plane, it was nice. "Hey baby you hungry?" I asked Emma she probably was, we all had just woke up. I ate the fruit that sat on the table. Emma made grabby hands I smiled and handed her some grapes.

Once Rio and Eddie were done with our bags, Rio sat next to me. "We're just waiting on everyone else to get here." He said.

I nodded and picked Emma up and laid her down and covered her with a blanket, I gave her her ipad and some earphones. I turned back to Rio, he watched me and smiled. I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off by loud laughing and chatting. I turned and saw Cesar and Rio's friends I met the other day; Nasir and Vincent. I think that's what their names were.

I yawned and checked the time it was now 5:09 am. I was still tired and i'm sure Emma was too. I looked over to her and she fell asleep as the ipad laid on top of her.

More people came in; Maze and another woman.

"Everyone this is Eve, my girlfriend." Maze smiled.

She hugged Rio, "Hey Rio haven't see you in a while." She smiled.

He nodded, "I know but i'd say that's Maze's fault." He laughed.

"Hi Eve." Everyone said.

"Eve this is my other brother Cesar." Maze said. She nodded and they hugged.

"Eve this is Isabella." Rio said.

I smiled, "Nice to meet you, just call me Bella." I said. She smiled and nodded.

"Are you Rio's girlfriend?" She smiled widely.

"I um-" I began.

"Come on everybody get settled so we can get in the air already." Rio cut me off. Thank god he did. Because I didn't want to say he is my boyfriend and be embarrassed because I wasn't sure if that's what he wanted. And I didn't want to say no and then he'd think I was playing with him and sending him mixed signals because that is what he wanted.

Everybody got comfortable in their seats and chatter filled the plane. A yawn escaped my mouth.

"You're tired?" Rio asked.

I nodded and yawned again. He smiled and stood up, "Come on." He said. He scooped Emma up in his arms and her head rested on his chest. I smiled at the sight and followed Rio into a room.

"No one will bother us in here and we can lock the door." He said. I nodded.

I took my shoes off and slid my shorts off. I didn't have a shirt on under Rio's hoodie, it was comfortable but I didn't want to wear it to bed. I noticed Rio laid Emma on the bed. I made my way to my luggage and huffed while looking through it for a comfortable shirt to wear. I looked in Rio's for one of his shirts. I took his hoodie off and was just left on my bra and panties. Rio placed his cold hands on my hips and caressed them lightly with his thumbs sending chill bumps all over my body. He left kisses on my neck and shoulder. He turned me around and pecked my lips. He stared into my eyes, "You're so beautiful." He whispered. I smiled and looked down. He pecked my forehead and let go of me and took his shirt off and his sweat pants.

I slipped his shirt over me and got into bed. I moved Emma closer to me. Rio slid in bed behind me and spooned me. I sighed and smiled as I began dozing off.


"Mommy! Mommy!" Emma shouted as she jumped on the bed. I huffed. I wanted to cry because I was so sleepy, I just wanted a few more minutes. I heard Rio chuckle, "Get down monkey." He said and grabbed Emma off the bed which caused her to burst out in fits of giggles.

"We landed baby, just throw on my sweats ok?" He said. I huffed and nodded. I slipped them on and tied them.


We made it to the hotel room and I took a shower and gave Emma a bath. I flopped down on the bed, tired as ever. Rio was now taking a shower.

He came out once he was done, dressed. "You're leaving?" I asked.

He nodded, "Yes. Isabella stay in the hotel room do not leave." He said.

I nodded and furrowed my eyebrows. I don't think I planned to anyways.

"Well where are you going." I asked.

"Work." He replied.

He walked over to me where I sat on the bed and leaned down and pecked my lips. "I'll be back." I nodded. He kissed Emma and left.


Emma was watching her cartoons and I was bored out of my mind. I heard a knock at the door. I furrowed my eyebrows and made my way to the door and looked out the peephole. It was Eve.

I opened and she smiled brightly at me, "Hey Bella!" She said and invited herself in. I closed the door behind her and followed her further in the room. "Hey Eve."

"You don't plan on staying in this room all day, do you?" She said and Emma ran to her and she gladly picked her up.

"Well yeah Rio told me to stay in here and to not go anywhere." I said.

"Well the beach wouldn't hurt and some ice cream?" Eve smirked and looked at Emma and Emma shouted, "Ice cream!! Mommy pleaseee."

"Well I guess it couldn't hurt, why not?" I shrugged and nodded.

Eve smiled widely and clapped.

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