Chapter 56

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Word count: 1,643


I laid on his bare chest as he held me. He pulled me on top of him he grinned showing his bright white teeth. "Good morning beautiful."

"Mornin'." I smiled and pecked his lips. "I'm not hurting you am I?" I frowned getting off of him.

He chuckled and nodded, "Just a little." I mumbled a sorry.

"Do you want some breakfast before I pick Emma up?" I missed her she even though she's only been with Annie and Eddie one night.

He shook his head no, "We can get something while we're out." He said and began getting up.

"Rio, you should still be resting." I said. He shook his head while looking at his phone, his eyebrows furrowing. I instantly was concerned. "Rio?"

He sighed, "I knew this would happen." He muttered angrily. "Easton and Eddie are coming over with Emma, pack some things for you and her." He said rushing into the closet. Pack? We just got this house.

"Where are we going?" I asked confused.

"Mateo's gang, they're planning an attack. I have a guy on the inside letting us know important things." Just when I thought it was somewhat over.

"But I thought you got rid of him." I said, my voice shaky, following him into the closet. He slipped his shirt off and I saw his wound. I tried not look at it last night. It reminded me of how easily I could lose him without doing nothing at all. I felt tears building up as I tried to hold them back. I was scared. Not for me, not for Emma, I knew that Rio would always try his best to protect us. We were fine. He was the one constantly dodging bullets like it was nothing.

He obviously didn't doge good enough this time.

I was scared for him, what about protecting himself? He turned to me, he sighed as his face softened. He pulled me into him, wrapping his arms around me, making me feel safe like always.

He kissed my head, "It's going to be alright. Easton will be with you and as soon as I handle this, so will I." He wiped my tears and pecked my lips. I just nodded, keeping my thoughts to myself. It wasn't myself I was scared for. It was him, but there was nothing I could do.

"And I did get rid of Mateo. I made sure of it. But he had a large gang, they'll be coming for us. I knew that, thats why the treaty wasn't broken any sooner, we had to prepare, be ready. I killed him along with all the other gang members in that mansion but that's not all." He explained, "Their loyalty is to their leader, dead or not. I have to ask our ears who's the new leader in charge." I nodded. "Now, pack." He said. I nodded and left him to get dressed.


We were all standing outside getting ready to say bye. "I'm cold," Emma said. I closed her jacket and picked her up squeezing her making her giggle. "Just hold on Em we're about to leave." I assured her.

Easton chuckled, "I'll turn the heat on in the car and sit with her." I smiled as he grabbed Emma.

"Thanks Easton." I said and he nodded.

Rio was talking to the guys then looked over at me and made his way over. "Kenz and Eve are also coming and Elle." Rio said. I nodded and smiled a little. At least I'd have some girls to talk to.

He placed his cold hand on my face
caressing it softly with his thumb. He leaned in placing his lips on mines. Our lips move in sync. His minty breath, which I had grown so use to. He slipped his tongue in, wrapping his arms around my waist bringing me closer, closing the gap between us. I slipped my tongue in, feeling the warmth of his skin and felt his cold hand on the back of my neck. He hummed into the kiss, right now no one else mattered. We were fully making out but I didn't care. I wouldn't see him for a while i'm sure. His touch relaxed me, eased my nerves, but it was only temporary. I don't know how long i'd be staying wherever we were going. I don't know how long i'd be without him. He pulled away, I let out a hum, catching my breath, resting my forehead against his.

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