Chapter 12

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Word count: 1,553

I checked the time again, it's been fifteenth minutes. Were they okay? They haven't come out yet. Gemma had to sneak out of the back with Maya also because once she deleted proof of login, if she went by security she would need to check in when she was leaving.

Another five minutes passed and I was relieved to see them running out of the door, carrying three bags. Gemma had two, Maya had one.

"We really robbed a casino." Maya said as she sat on the couch baffled. We didn't count the money yet.

"We did." Alex sighed and shook her head.

"They only successfully did it because it was basically fucking empty and Gemma's an employee." I said. No way they would've successfully robbed a casino full of people and without access to the cameras and safes.

They both nodded in agreement, "I need a drink," Alex got up to walked to the kitchen.

"Me too," Maya said.

"I think I do too." I said. I know I didn't actually do it, but my sister did. She had a kid and so did Maya. If they got caught, I'd feel guilty. We were all in on it.

"The tapes are in the fireplace as we speak, so are the gloves we used," Maya said.

I gulped down the whiskey, sending a burning sensation through my chest. "Lets count this," I sighed and looked at Gemma.

She smirked and rubbed her hands, "Glad to."


"We should count it again." I said unsurely. I could tell everyone was worried.

"We did, there's about five hundred thousand dollars here. This took hours to count." Gemma said. This couldn't be right. I know it was a casino but no way there was this much money in the safe. Gemma said the money doesn't even get there that early.

"This isn't right, this can't all be the money that was there. We went extra early, the money trucks didn't come yet, right?" Maya asked Gemma.

Alex just stayed quiet, thinking.

"We can't use this. Something's weird here." Maya added.

"Yeah you're right, we have to find some other way to get money." I said nodding.

"Like hell we are, I'm buying a ferrari." Gemma said happily.

"We already took the money, there's no going back, we take what we need and burn the rest." Alex said.

"What!? Burning it would do no good. Just a waste," Gemma said.

Everyone stayed quiet. Gemma picked up some stacks, and began loading her purse. Alex looked at her rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

"Look, think about it. If this money isn't the casino's money, that means the cops aren't aware of it. This is too much for the cops to even consider missing. If anything this amount of money made us lucky." Gemma explained.

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