Chapter 22

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Word count: 1,087

Their eyes darted to the door, "What the fuck..?" Rio said and pulled up his pants and boxers that were halfway down just enough to free his dick.

"Who is that!?" She said and ran to cover herself. I slammed the door shut. What the fuck did I just see? I shook my head as I waited outside his door.

A few minutes passes then he opened the door and came out, the girl behind him and she made her way down the hallway, leaving. Why was she leaving? I had sex with him and he had a girlfriend? So many thoughts went through my mind to process but all I could say was, "Why?" I bit my lip not making eye contact with him.

"Isabella what are you doing here? How'd you get in?" He sighed and pinched his nose.

Was he seriously questioning me? After I caught him fucking his girlfriend against the wall? "You're questioning me?" I shook my head. He was unbelievable.

"Well yeah, you came into my loft without invitation." He crossed his arms and stared at me.

"I don't have time for this. Do you have my daughter? God you took my daughter then fucked some girl while she's with you-"

"I don't have Emma? What are you talking about?" My heart dropped. I was wishing he did have her.

"Rio someone took her, we have to get her." I said as I now began to panic.

"Just- Come in I have to make some calls." He sighed.

"I'm fine out here." I rolled my eyes. He looked at me as if I had pissed him off.

"Isabella get the fuck in here." He spat suddenly. Causing me to flinch. Rio actually looked, I don't know, Mad? For once. I walked in and He shut the door behind me.

He made his way over to the bed, I observed his shoulders as they moved while he walked. He didn't have a shirt on. He picked his phone up and dialed a number then put it to his ear.
"Why are you fucking with her?" He shook his head then turned to me and made eye contact. "You always want something you can't have." I heard him speak lowly into the phone. He looked at me again then left, heading to the bathroom.

He had finally came out of the bathroom and threw on a shirt, "Lets go." He said. I followed him out and we made our way to his black BMW.

"You know who has her?" I said quietly.

He nodded, "She'll be fine." After those little words that we did exchange, the ride was silent. It seemed as if we were riding for a long time. Maybe because of the awkward silence.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend? I don't understand. Why would you do that to her?"

"Isabella, I really don't think now's the time to talk about that." He said coldly. Why was he being such an ass right now? Well when is he ever being a sweetheart?

"Really? I think it is, We aren't wherever we're going yet, it's silent anyways, why not have something to talk about?" I said smartly.

"I just don't understand why you would have sex with me. Do you not care about her feelings?" Part of me was asking this because I was mad. Still Furious that I had even let him have sex with me and he didn't care at all. But why should I? Why did I?

"She's not my girlfriend. You really need to ask before you assume, pumpkin."

I felt stupid. Now I looked like some jealous one time thing. But I wasn't jealous I didn't like Rio.

I just sat back In my seat and waited for the ride to be over.


Rio pulled up and parked. "Stay here." he said and got out the car. Soon a guy came out the house, Emma in his hold. My eyes widened once I realized who it was.

I opened the car door and made my way over to them and slapped him. "What the fuck is your problem?! You don't just- just take someone's child!" I grabbed Emma out his hands, but Rio took her from me. "I told you to stay in the car." He said.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "Fuck you!" I spat at him.

"Oh she bites." HR chuckled, grabbed me and pulled me towards him, my back facing him, his arm around my neck. He turned me around and placed his lips on mines. My eyes widened, this guy was insane.

I smirked into the kiss and kissed back. I pulled away and he chuckled. "Hmm and you said she wouldn't date a guy like me, Rio?"

I looked at Rio as he bit his lip, but forced a smirk. "What can I say? She's unpredictable." His eyes pooled into mines. I eventually looked away, not being able to keep it up for long.

"We have to go. HR what do you want?" Rio said and stared at him.

"I think we know, right?" He looked at me.

He probably thought I had kissed him back because I was into him, but that wasn't it at all.


He walked me to my apartment. I opened the door and made my way in, Rio followed behind me and shut the door.

I walked to my room and laid Emma down, she fell asleep in the car. I made my way back to the living room, Rio stared at me as I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge getting a bottle of water. I still felt his eyes.

He walked into the kitchen. He just stood there, his eyes following my every move. He made his way towards me. He stopped in front of me. He slipped his big hand around my neck and pushed me back into the wall.

I gasped at the sudden movement. His eyes stared into mines, they traveled all around as if he was searching for something. His eyebrows furrowed. He rubbed my lips with his thumb softly, he did this a few times and it became a little more rough the more he did it.

He leaned in a little, almost as if he was going to kiss me. Before I gave him the chance to, I turned my face. But he never did, He whispered in my ear. "Mines." He said, immediately sending chills down my spine.

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