Chapter 72

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Don't be mad at me :)

Word count: 4,152

I squeezed my eyes tightly from the pain as I heard the door at the top of the stairs slam. I pushed myself to get up from the cold concrete floor after being thrown down the hard basement stairs. I pushed myself up on my hands slowly letting out a groan. A sob escaped my mouth as I felt a sharp wave of pain through my back.

I wasn't sure why he was so mean to me. Why take me away from the people I love if you were going to hate me so much? I limped over to the window of the basement. The glass was thick, i've already searched the room for anything to try and break it and nothing I tried was strong enough. I limped over to the bed and fell down on it. I wasn't sure how long I have been here. I counted the first few days which was at least three. I think. It's kind of hard keeping track without a clock or phone.

The only thing that kept me together was finding out Emma was okay.

The basement door opened. I wrapped the blanket around myself and just closed my eyes Holden just got finished with me in I was hoping it wasn't him again. He wouldn't come back so quick right?

I heard the footsteps as they got closer but I refused to open my eyes. I wanted to disappear, vanish.

I flinched and jerked back as I felt a hand touch my shoulder, "Isabella?" a familiar voice spoke.

I opened my eyes as tears fell from them to finally see a familiar face. A sob escaped my mouth as I stood up and wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him tightly, ignoring the pain throughout my entire body. He stumbled back a little but wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me back, "Noah?" I said in disbelief. What was he doing here?

"What are you doing here?" He furrowed his eyebrows. He let me out of his grip and bent down to pick up the blanket and wrapped it back around me.

"H-holden, he came in Rio's house and he killed everyone and took me." I said quickly.

"It's okay, calm down." He pulled me back into his chest, "Fuck what has he done to you?" He held the back of my head against his chest and rubbed my back soothingly.

"Noah I can't stay here anymore and I'm pregnant, everything hurts-"

"Pregnant?" I nodded, "Is it Rio's?" He asked.

I nodded again.

"Is Rio dead?" He asked.

I shook my head, "No but Holden-he killed Rio's brother and his friends. I miss him. I need to be with him. I'm scared to stay here any longer. He's going to kill me." I couldn't imagine what Rio was going through. He lost his brother and friends and then I was kidnapped by Holden. He probably thinks i'm dead.

"Wait here." He pulled away from me.

"Noah please come back. Don't leave me here, Holden will come back." I pleaded.

"I'm not, i'm just gonna get you clothes okay?" He looked at me with an assuring look.

I nodded hesitantly.

I sat on the bed and waited impatiently. The door opened and Noah came into view as he came further down the stairs.

He had folded up clothes in his hand, "Holden's girlfriend stays here sometimes. I got a pair of her sweats and a tee."

He handed me the clothes, "Thanks.." I mumbled and grabbed them from him. As I began putting the shirt on I whimpered at the pain and soreness.

"He has a girlfriend?" I asked after putting on the sweatpants. She probably had no clue the type of man her boyfriend is.

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