💜 Play Fight 💙

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"Babe, you look so cute all snuggled up like that!"

Okuyasu grumbled in protest. "I'm not cute, I'm strong and buff."

Josuke's laughter was the only response.

The shorter teen kicked a foot into Josuke's stomach, releasing a short gasp. "H-hey, babe, that wasn't nice!" He grumbled, decided to pin the offending foot underneath his heavy leg. Both teens stared at each other, Okuyasu scowling at Josuke's victorious grin.

"I have more than just feet, y'know?" Okyasu said, launching his pillow at his boyfriend's face. "Take that, puny human!" He yelled.

Josuke caught the pillow, raising a thick eyebrow. "Take care now, you never know if Mikitaka is listening..." He smirked, and whacked the pillow over Okuyasu's head. "Besides, we all know you're the puny one!" He shifted so that he was straddling the smaller teen's hips.
Okuyasu stopped all attempts to struggle, staring up at his love. Josuke gave an eyebrow wiggle, before ducking. His nose nuzzled Oku's for a moment, before sliding against it as the two pairs of lips met.

Okuyasu's closed his eyes, arms around the might of Josuke's back, feeling the muscles contract as his boyfriend deepened the kiss.

Okuyasu's fingers ran across the covered skin a few times, before travelling down. The digits stopped at the hem of Josuke's tank top, and pulled it up slightly. With a sudden determination, the slim fingers began to race up and down Josuke's lower back, causing a powerful screech to emerge. Josuke followed the screech with recoi to powerful, both boys were knocked off the sofa.

Okuyasu grunted as Josuke landed on top of him, elbow crushing his stomach. "OOOUUCH!" He cried, rolling away. "Josuke!"

Josuke looked up. "That was your fault, why'd you tickle me?!"

"Because I wanted to win!"

"Win what?"

"The fight!"

Josuke snorted. "Babe, we both know who'd win in a real fight. Besides, that was a dirty, cheap trick." He said, standing up. He brushed himself off, smiling at Okuyasu. He helped the other boy up, and threw an arm around his waist. "Now, how about we get back into position, before you tickled me?"

Okuyasu thought for a few moment, and nodded. "Why not?"

Bruh this story was so cute I was having a blast writing it 💞

Also here's a happy Jonathon (I love him so much like idk why some people skip his part)

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Also here's a happy Jonathon (I love him so much like idk why some people skip his part)

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