💜 'Fox' 💙

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Trans Josuke time~ 🏳️‍🌈

🚫Also quick thing but if anyone is offended by any of this, I sincerely apologize. I don't want to make ANYONE feel like this or make anyone feel uncomfortable. If you have any problem with this please reach out and I will take this down 🚫

The bathroom light flickered. Josuke stared at himself in the mirror. He always acted very confident in his appearance when he was in public, but now he was alone. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and removed his clothes. When he forced himself to open them, Okuyasu's words from earlier echoed in his head.

'No offense or anything, man, but your nephew is kind of a fox.'

He'd been so shocked he'd almost spat out his drink.

'What? J-jotaro? You seriously think he's-'

'Hell yeah. He's so big and strong, he could probably throw me across a room! And that jawline, are you kidding me? He's so....so...'

Josuke pressed his forehead against the mirror miserably.


He looked at his face. The smooth, soft cheeks. The full lashes, the plump lips. They would've all been desirable traits, if he'd been a girl.

Would Okuyasu think I was pretty if he saw me as a girl?

.....Does Okuyasu already see me as a girl?

He already knew that lots of people did. He shuddered to think of how often he'd been beaten up in middle school, before he'd stopped being afraid to use Crazy D in public.

His eyes drifted lower. He lifted his breasts, trying to move them upward and inwards. His chest was tired from wearing his binder all day at school, but he still felt an urge to put it back on. He sighed and reminded himself that that wouldn't be healthy, letting his breasts drop back to their natural hanging position.

What did Jotaro's chest look like, he wondered. Likely strong, and muscular, and hairy.

'no offense but your nephew is kind of a fox'

All of his friends knew, of course. Everyone sort of knew. Morioh was a small town, and try as he might, Josuke was hardly passing. Most people were respectful or afraid or disinterested enough to not bring it up. Josuke thanked God every fucking day that he didn't have to go to gym class anymore, just thinking about the changing rooms made him cringe. A few people were stupid enough to give him hell for it, but now he was brave and tough enough to teach them a lesson. His friends were all supportive, though.

At least on the surface.

How do they really view me?

......Does Okuyasu think I'm.....a freak?

Shit. Why had he thought that into existence. Shit. It was too late now, his head was already screaming.


His fists hit the mirror without warning. Once he'd started, he found that he couldn't stop himself. Once his knuckles were bleeding, full of broken glass, he stopped to catch his breath. Crazy D immediately set to work, repairing the shattered mirror, shards of glass pulling themselves from Josuke's skin to rejoin the smooth surface.

He sighed bitterly, throwing on a soft old T shirt. His eyes lingered on his curvy hips and thick thighs. Jotaro is so sturdily built, Josuke couldn't imagine a single part of him being soft.

'your nephew is a fox'

He pulled on some old sweatpants and turned off the lights on his way out.

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