💜 Lovesick 💙

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Josuke knew he must look as bad as he felt, because he'd hardly had to beg Tomoko at all for her to let him skip school. Ordinarily he had to prove in some way that he wasn't faking, but she'd hardly taken one look at him before telling him to stay in bed.

He was sort of looking forward to just laying around all day, even if he felt like total shit. He laid back against his pillows, listening to his mom getting ready for work downstairs. Josuke had almost fallen back asleep when he heard a cheerful knock at the front door. He groaned at the idea of walking downstairs, but he knew his mom had already left. He sent Crazy Diamond down through the floor instead, pleased to find that the doorknob was just barely within his range.

"Oh, hey Crazy D! Is Josuke upstairs?"

Josuke had his Stand nod at Okuyasu before dematerializing. He heard the sound of footsteps taking two stairs at a time. He smiled weakly. Okuyasu was so fuckin' cute.

Okuyasu's adorable face peeked into his bedroom. "Come on, bro, we're gonna be late!"

Josuke blushed. He knew that he probably looked pretty awful, and he wasn't exactly keen on his best friend who totally wasn't a crush seeing him like this. "I'm sick, Oku. I can't go to class today."

Okuyasu's brows furrowed as he entered to room and sat at the foot of Josuke's bed. "You're just gonna be home alone all sick? All day long?"

"Yeah, it's not that big of a deal, man. I mean, I'm not a little kid-" Okuyasu silenced him by placing a hand on his forehead. The contact made Josuke's face heat up considerably, this time not from sickness.

Okuyasu removed his hand and looked at him seriously. "Nope, I'm staying with you. You ain't gonna lift a finger today, okay bro?"

Josuke was flattered by the offer, and the idea of being pampered by someone he definitely wasn't totally in love with did sound pretty nice. But he tried to be selfless. "Oku, you really don't need to do that. It's not that serious."

Okuyasu leaned close, like he was sharing a secret. "I didn't wanna go to school today anyway, dude. And if you're really not that sick, then we can just hang out and play video games all day, right?"

Josuke rolled his eyes, but didn't bother hiding his grin. "Yeah, alright." He coughed a few times, wincing when he felt his chest rattle.

Okuyasu looked worried. "Did your mom give you any medicine before she left?"

"Nah, she knows I hate that shit. I don't take medicine unless it's like, life or death."

Okuyasu scoffed. "That's dumb, bro. Why don't you just take it so you can get better faster?"

Josuke counted off his reasons with his fingers. "It tastes fucking disgusting, it makes you feel all drowsy and weird, it fucks with your appetite, and they all have like, a laundry list of side effects."

"Ha! Yeah, that's really dumb. But whatever, I'm gonna make you some tea, alright? You sit tight."

After Okuyasu had disappeared downstairs, Josuke rearranged his pillows and scooted to one side of his bed, leaving what he hoped was an inviting space for the other boy. Hopefully he didn't look so gross that Oku wouldn't want to be near him.

Okuyasu returned after a few minutes, holding a steaming mug out to Josuke. He took the newly made spot in the bed without question, sitting beside Josuke with a soft smile.

Josuke deeply inhaled the warm steam. Or at least, he tried to. With his nose so stopped up, it was difficult to smell much. "Thanks for this, man, but you really don't need to like, nurse me back to health or anything. I can take care of myself."

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