💜 Josuke's Hair Incident 💙

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Okuyasu shifts from one foot to the other, frowning. His bag is getting heavy and it's a little cold out this morning, but he tries to stick it out as he waits for Josuke in front of his house. It's already been ten minutes, and at this point they're going to be late for school. He loves his boyfriend, loves every single part of him, but his tardiness is going to get them both in trouble.

Sighing in frustration, he looks up at the house. He normally would just waltz right in, even eat some breakfast while Josuke finishes getting ready. But ever since they started dating, he's been trying to be a bit more respectful of the Higashikata residence. He certainly doesn't want to come off as a freeloader, especially when it's quite the opposite, being entirely self-sufficient at his own home.

Dating...he still can't believe it. Okuyasu somehow managed the land the most beautiful boy in Morioh, and incredibly, the most beautiful boy in Morioh loved him back. It feels like a miracle, something he read in a book or saw on TV. He'll wait outside in the cold all day if it means seeing Josuke's face, eyes so deep and blue that he can just throw himself into them, sharp features and perfect skin like a Greek statue, big pouty lips that Oku wants to kiss until he dies.

He shivers. Okay, he would wait, but it's getting colder. Finally giving in, he walks up to the front door and knocks sharply.

The door opens a second later, and Okuyasu isn't surprised to find that it's Josuke's mother on the other side. "Oh, Miss Higashikata!"

"Okuyasu, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Tomoko?" She shakes her head, but her smile is warm.

Okuyasu bows respectfully. "Sorry. Where's Josuke?"

Tomoko sighs, pressing her fingers to her temples. "Oh, well...you see...there's been an...accident."

Okuyasu's vision goes sideways for a second, and a choked sound escapes from his lips. Accident? Immediately, his mind goes to Josuke in a hospital bed, hooked up to wires and other machines. Or worse.

Tomoko's eyes widen. She shakes her head rapidly. "He's fine!" she says quickly. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have phrased it like that. He's perfectly healthy."

Oku lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Oh. Well then what is it?"

Tomoko crosses her arms. "It's his hair."

"Oh." Okuyasu sees the annoyance in Miss Higashikata's face, as well as her nervous fidgeting, and he realizes it's a serious situation. "Oh no."

"He's upstairs hiding. But I'm warning you Okuyasu. He might not see you. It's pretty bad...for him." She adds, rolling her eyes softly.

Okuyasu kicks off his shoes and runs up the stairs, taking them two a time. He pauses when he gets to Josuke's bedroom door. He knocks softly. "Josuke."

There's no answer. Okuyasu, against his better judgement, slowly opens the door.

Something pink shimmers into existence in front of him, and Okuyasu flinches, realizing he's staring up at the giant figure of Crazy Diamond, blocking the entire entrance. The stand regards him coldly. Okuyasu steps back, and instinctively he feels himself on guard, waiting for the stand to strike. Which is ridiculous, because Josuke would never hurt him, but something about the stand's aura seems...off.

"Go. Away." A faint voice, deadly serious, comes from within the room.

"Josuke?" Okuyasu gulps, and takes a tentatively step forward, but the stand's hand closes into a fist. He immediately freezes. This is bad. If Josuke won't even let him see him, something terrible must have happened to his hair. Did he run out of that super expensive gel? Did his favorite conditioner get discontinued? Oku frowns. No, those are minor issues. It has to be more drastic than that. "Babe, come on." He doesn't dare move forward an inch forward, not yet.

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