💜 Accidental Cuddling 💙

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This 2 are such dorks and I love it.

Josuke can't sleep. It's 3:48 in the morning and he's been laying in the same position on his side for hours, staring at the clock. His best friend is behind him, arm wrapped around Josuke's waist so tight he couldn't move to readjust if he wanted to. Okuyasu's forehead is pressed to the center of Josuke's back, his parted mouth blowing gentle breaths down Josuke's spine as he sleeps.

Okuyasu has been sleeping over at the Higashikata house at least twice a week-usually four or five times-for countless weeks now. In the beginning Okuyasu would fall asleep on the couch. After a few weeks of this, Tomoko felt kind of bad for him (and got tired of having a guest in the living room), so she dug out a cot to set up in Josuke's floor. Eventually he got tired of that, too, and graduated to the bed.

The boys' friendship has now grown to that comfortable point where it isn't a big deal to share a bed. Even though they've only known each other a few months, they're already as thick as thieves. But Josuke has of late been worrying about where this friendship is going. His worry started back when Okuyasu was still on the cot. He had started to notice that an accidental brush of the hand, or a hug that lasted a few seconds longer than normal, would speed up his heartbeat or leave a warm pit in his chest. He'd think, What if that meant more than it should have? or What if I like-him-like-him like that?, but he pushed those thoughts aside. He considered them akin to those intrusive thoughts that everyone gets, like What if I stole this pair of shoes? or What if I just shoved my entire hand into my mouth?

But his thoughts about Okuyasu weren't going away. Eventually he had to come to terms with it. His what-ifs became affirmative statements: I do like-him-like-him like that. Now, he no longer ignores his feelings, but instead lets them reside in his chest, silently, without anyone's knowledge-especially not Okuyasu's. He has no problem with these thoughts interfering with his life or their friendship.

Except for right now, with Okuyasu's arm around his waist and Okuyasu's breath on his back.

Josuke envies his ability to be so close and personal. Okuyasu hasn't spent the last month pining and wishing for this kind of contact, only for it to happen by accident in the wrong circumstances. Okuyasu doesn't have to worry about keeping any feelings in, or accidentally letting the wrong words slip out, or being caught staring, or any number of things that could potentially ruin their friendship. Josuke curses him for being so nice and attractive and oblivious. He wishes instead of the clock in front of his face, it was a mirror, so he might get a glimpse of Okuyasu's face.

It's now 4:37. Okuyasu starts to move, and as soon as he feels movement Josuke feigns sleep. Even without sight, he's still hyper-aware of his environment-even more so now that Okuyasu is conscious. Okuyasu pulls away and sits up quickly, in a way that seems like he's surprised to find himself jetpacking Josuke. Josuke finds freedom in the separation, even if he misses the contact a little.

"Aw, shit," mutters Okuyasu-quietly, trying not to wake Josuke (who is already awake, but he doesn't know that). Josuke, who's still recovering from the shock of Okuyasu's wake, feels a lump in his throat. What does "Aw, shit" mean? Is Okuyasu that upset about finding himself so physically close to Josuke?

Okuyasu turns to catch a breath, and mutters again, "What if he woke up and saw me like that?" Well, what about it?, wonders Josuke. Okuyasu turns and lays down again, this time facing away from Josuke. "I gotta be more careful." His words are dwindling back into sleep. "I can't fuck this up."

Josuke's heart is racing. He's not entirely sure what Okuyasu was talking about, but he knows he wasn't supposed to hear it. And for some reason the words encompassed everything that Josuke has been feeling for so long. Josuke has been, for the past month, careful not to fuck things up. What was Okuyasu afraid of?

It's now 5:45. Josuke is free to move now, laying comfortably on his back, but he's still wide awake, considering what Okuyasu said earlier. Fuck what up? He doesn't know whether it's wishful thinking, but he has an inkling of a thought that maybe, just maybe-but, no. It's like he won't let himself believe Okuyasu could feel the same way he does. If he acts, and he's wrong, it would fuck everything up.

But it's 6:00 now and he's tired, physically and mentally, of all this back-and-forth with himself. He just wants to sleep. As if to prove a point to himself, he turns toward Okuyasu, wrapping an arm around the sleeping boy's chest and curling up behind him like a big spoon. If it's the wrong thing to do, he'll just have to deal with it in the morning. Right now, this is all he wants.

No thoughts, head empty, all I'm thinking about is this masterpiece.

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