💜 Josuke Comes Out 💙

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More Josuke and Tomoko time Baby~.

Josuke woke up with a groan, burying his face into his pillow, overwhelmed with the annoying ringing of his digital alarm clock and his mother's insistent knocking on his door.

"Josuke! Get dressed! If you're not down here in ten minutes, I'm tossing out your breakfast!"

Groaning, the teen shoved his face into his pillow and resisted screaming into it. He hated school. He hated waking up for school. He hated his mom. His life sucked.

He fell asleep on his stomach, having been asleep in only his underwear, half-covered by his blanket.


"I'm up! God!" Josuke shouted, rolling onto his back. He stared at his ceiling for a while; there was something weighing heavy on his mind. He guessed it had been there for a while now, but he'd never really known how to dealt with it. Like, he didn't have that many friends, and Koichi definitely didn't have these feelings and Okuyasu didn't really have a family to talk about it with. They were really the only friends he had, he guessed. He didn't know any other guys who felt like this. So Josuke ignored it a lot. Now it was getting to the point where it was just depressing.

His mom always told him he could talk to her about anything. That didn't make it any less scary.

Josuke sighed heavily, keeping his hand on his stomach, and as his eyes drooped tiredly, he grunted and blinked awake before sitting up. Pushing the palm of his hand into his eye, he yawned and stood, stumbling towards his closet.

By the time he was dressed and his hair was fixed up, he could see his mom fixing up his breakfast onto a plate, setting it in front of the seat he always sat in.

"Morning, Josuke," his mom said with a smile, as if she hadn't just been yelling at him moments before and he hadn't been yelling back. "Are you ready for school?"

"Yeah, my bag's packed," Josuke mumbled, gesturing to where he'd placed it by the door.

"Homework done?"

"Yeah." Ish. He was planning on copying the rest of it from Koichi before class started.

"Good," Tomoko said, brushing her hand over his head. He normally smacked her hand away and whined, but now he just took a bite of breakfast and hummed. "Something wrong?" she asked, delicately, keeping her hand affectionately on the back of his head, her eyebrows knitted forward in concern.

Josuke leaned back and cleared his throat. "No," he answered slowly. "Breakfast is delicious, Mom."

Tomoko blinked worriedly and adjusted to stand in front of her son, putting the back of her hand on his forehead. "Are you feeling well?" she asked, pressing her palm to his cheek to test for any signs of a fever.

"I feel fine, Mom!" Josuke said, with a whine in his voice.

"Well, you never thank me for breakfast, much less compliment it," Tomoko said, putting her hand on her hip. She turned towards the sink, beginning to fill the dishwasher like she always did.

Josuke looked at her and sighed, a crease of worry between his brows. He scratched at the placemat on the table and tried to work up the courage. Talking about this shouldn't be this hard. She's gonna love me no matter what. Stop being a pussy.

He cleared his throat and licked his lips, unable to bring himself to look at her. He instead looked at the rim of the bowl, how one piece of rice stuck to the edge of the porcelain. "Uh, hey, Mom?" Josuke started.

She paused in her movement, turning back to look at her son. She didn't say anything for a moment but sensed that he needed a push. "Yeah? What is it?"

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