💜 Neko Josuke 💙

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Josuke didn't want to get up.

His alarm clock had went off two minutes ago but he was still lying under the blankets in his bed. It was so warm and nice... he didn't want to move... what if he'd just. Fake being sick? His Mom would probably be pissed off if she figured it out. And Okuyasu would be bummed out if he didn't come to school.


Josuke stretched and moved slowly out of the warmth of the blankets, making his way to his dresser to get out his school uniform. He was so tired! And he'd still have to fix his hair, too. It was a blessing and a curse that he always had his alarm blaring so early in the morning.

But it couldn't be helped. He needed to look his best.

He was about to pull his school uniform off the hanger when he took a look in his full-body mirror and froze.

There was no way he could go to school looking like this!

What the hell had happened to him?!


Okuyasu was munching a sandwich enthusiastically as he walked towards Josuke's house. He couldn't wait for the school day to end, even though it was only morning. But they had promised to hang out after school! And that usually meant either gaming or going shopping, or going to a café, or a trip to his favorite ice cream place!

So today was already a really good day.

And as he knocked onto the familiar door, he was immediately greeted by Ms. Higashikata, who was getting ready to leave for work, as usual. She let him in and shouted at Josuke to hurry up already, that he was going to be late.

Okuyasu snickered. It was the same as always. Josuke took such a long time to get ready. He always had the time to have a second breakfast, thanks to Ms. Higashikata, who insisted on him having some as well since she prepared a plate for Josuke, too.

"I'm going to leave already, Josuke! Remember to lock the door!" She called out and excused herself, telling Okuyasu to keep an eye on his son.

Okuyasu smiled broadly at her and thanked for the breakfast.

It was silent after the front door closed behind her.

A bit too silent.

Usually Josuke kept making noise as he was quickly trying to finish getting ready, calling Okuyasu to wait a second. Now there was only silence.

It was odd. Not like Josuke at all.

Okuyasu wondered what was up. He had already finished eating, too. Usually Josuke would be coming down the stairs right about now. But he didn't hear even footsteps. Okuyasu frowned and got up, walking to the stairs and gazing up them.

No sign of Josuke.

What was he doing??

"Josuke!" He called out, but didn't get an answer.

Okuyasu's eyes widened. What if he'd gotten hurt somehow? Fallen in the bathtub or something? And was now lying on the floor, unconscious? Hadn't Ms. Higashikata noticed that Josuke wasn't answering to her? Or did she think he was just busy like usual?

He started to climb the stairs hurriedly, his mind running too fast. It was starting to give him a headache.

The bathroom was empty, the door ajar and no sign of any hair products in front of the mirror. Okuyasu walked to Josuke's door and knocked on it, just to be sure. He was afraid but still didn't want to violate his privacy.

"Josuke?? Are you in there?? You're gonna be late!"

Okuyasu's heart skipped a beat when he heard a groan. "I'm not gonna go to school today, Okuyasu."

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